God Moving

Dear Blog family, Praise God He is working all the time, He is not a man that he should lie and He never sleeps! God is moving miraculously in Kenya! We have seen God moving for us and for this country in general in the last few weeks, our prayers are being answered! But this is not a time to quit pressing the heavens for what we need to accomplish for His will. The enemy has designed some things for this country also and he is at foot, he has made the next generation his target and he will not give them up with out a fight! Our authority is cemented in the courts of Heaven because of who our Savior is and what He was willing to give for us, now we must stand on this truth no matter what, to change the tide of events the enemy has enacted here in Kenya! Our God reigns, halleluiah!! There have been many praying for rain because we did not get the amount that was expected during the long rainy season because of this water shortages are expected, we have seen quite a bit of rain...