Adventure USA 2009

Dear friends and hopeful visitors to Tumaini Children's Center Dave & Kerry Sinner and children. Tekoa all the way from Kenya with His grandfather Bill. Dannon & our newest grandaughter Becca , our grandaughter Bailee, myself & grandaughter Shaelyn. Here he is our newest Grand son Luken Robert Ray Movius We got to see Troy & Dannon's Aunt Dawn in Wenatchee WA Troy & Dannon at our favorite family camping spot " Bowman Bay " up at the tip of Washington. Dustin & Angela Cook in Eldoret Kenya at Tumaini Children's Center Us with my sister Mariah and her family, Aburn WA This is the Cook's home in Clarkston where we are staying! Our daughters Home on the Palouse Lewiston - Clarkston Valley Home! Hello Blog family, we are in the US! We left Eldoret in the late afternoon on the 21st of July, saying a difficult "see you soon" to our sweet gifts from Heaven and the wonderfully brave young couple ( Dustin & Angela Co...