Christmas and Beyound!

Merry Christmas 2012 Notice our 2 new gifts for Christmas? Felix 10/30/2012 and Alex 11/5/2012 Christmas Eve we were visited by some very welcome guests. Santa's Helpers Sarah Ellen & Dino with cookies and gifts! Thank you! And also the gift of song from Testimony Faith Homes. Thank you too! As we prepared for Christmas we made personal ornaments sent to us by Jessie Schmidt! Thank you Jessie! We got all dressed up! With a bit of attitude! Christmas Eve was a great day of celebrating with family and friends! Josh Tekoa and Eliza! Samuel and Rachel. We got to open our Christmas Eve present! We bowed our heads in Thanks to God and opened our Christmas Gifts! And then we ate together, it was a great day! Sorry this was late but everything here depends on conditions at the time! Than...