Doing Well in the USA

Hi everyone! Just thought I would drop you all a note to let you know that we are doing well here in the USA, Lewiston ID to be exact. We have taken great advantage to catch up on family life here with our children & grandchildren. We are enjoying it to the max! The apartment that we are using is so perfect for us. It is centrally located in down town Lewiston so that we are accessable to anyone who wants to drop by and so that we can walk anywhere we need to go. Horace has been working with a friend building. So he usally has the car. That gives the children and I opportunity to walk a great deal. I probubly walk 4or5 miles aday, it has been very good for all of us. Marvin goes to soccer practice each day over at CHS ( Clarkston High School ) his 1st game to play in is Monday the 24th he is very excited. We have been quite buisy sharing our experiences from Kenya, we had a opportunity to share with our home church " Hope Chapel Lewiston " on Sunday past, it was a great...