God Bless the rainy season!

Hello Blog Family! I know that you will not be surprised to hear that time goes by very fast for us, after what I shared in our last blog post. Things are very well here! We are a busy family of eight now and as soon as Marvin returns 9. The babies are growing wonderfully and we are being blessed more and more because of Gods gifts to us of His kenyan chidlren. Just to give you a peek into our house here is what the start of a day may look like for us Leisters in Kenya. Sarah (3 months now ) & Gabriel ( 2 months ) wake up between 6:00 & 6:30 after several wake up calls during the night, we usually bring them in bed with us to enjoy their morning coos and giggles. If the sun is shinning, it is usually doing it in the morning and it fills our room with what feels like the warmth of God’s Glory. We enjoy this time of morning! This does not last to long though and by 7:00 our next 2 youngest, Margret ( 1 year on the 28th ) & Jerusalem ( 15 months) are awake and calling...