God Bless the rainy season!
Hello Blog Family! I know that you will not be surprised to hear that time goes by very fast for us, after what I shared in our last blog post. Things are very well here! We are a busy family of eight now and as soon as Marvin returns 9. The babies are growing wonderfully and we are being blessed more and more because of Gods gifts to us of His kenyan chidlren. Just to give you a peek into our house here is what the start of a day may look like for us Leisters in Kenya.

Sarah (3 months now ) & Gabriel ( 2 months ) wake up between 6:00 & 6:30 after several wake up calls during the night, we usually bring them in bed with us to enjoy their morning coos and giggles. If the sun is shinning, it is usually doing it in the morning and it fills our room with what feels like the warmth of God’s Glory. We enjoy this time of morning! This does not last to long though and by 7:00 our next 2 youngest, Margret ( 1 year on the 28th ) & Jerusalem ( 15 months) are awake and calling for breakfast usually with big smiles of good morning. This is when our day gets busy!

Dad gets up and makes sure Troy & Dannon are up, Mom changes babies and lets them talk awhile to each other as I go in and change Margret & Jerusalem. Troy & Dannon are usually dressed and ready to carry each little sister down to the kitchen by this time, where Dad has taken Gabe in his bouncy seat and Sarah to sit in the walker.
Dad then goes and turns on the hot water tank to the wash machine ( praise God for the washer we got for a very good price from some Missionary friends who are out of the country for a extended time and the hot water tank, all this purchased by CWH ). The first load of the morning is diapers! 4 babies in cloth diapers is a experience I have not had before, again thank God for the washer.
While I am putting in the wash, Troy & Dannon are making toast for 2 very hungry little girls as fast as they can. I then return to the kitchen to cook up portage for the children and ugoli for our dog Tyson. During the cooking time I make a bottle for Sarah & Gabe who have decided they have waited joyfully long enough. Troy & Dannon then each take a baby and feed them their bottles and if we are blessed ( which we are all the time of course no matter what! ) these two, go back down for a short morning nap while everyone else finishes their breakfast.
Dad now is upstairs preparing for his busy day out and about doing things on the property or meeting with this person or that, keeping the whole process going. Mary our house help comes at 8:00 and begins mopping floors up stairs and picking up cloths for the next wash. She is such a blessing, she is the one Monday - Friday that hangs out the wash and cleans up after us.
When every one is done with breakfast it is up stairs we go for Troy & Dannon to start their school day and mom to get all little ones dressed for the day. It is now about 9:30 and Sarah & Gabe are up and Margret & Jerusalem are ready to go down for their morning nap! Throw in a couple of Dr. appointments or a trip to see the Social Service People and you have a common morning in our lives! As I write this it sounds way to organized, just know it is not, caoss usually reigns a bit from time to time believe me! Pretty crazy but fun at the same time.
We are in the rainy season, it brings along with it many blessings for the crops and such but it also brings the dampness & chill that creates a perfect environment for colds, flu and malaria. Praise God! He is our Healer and our Health Giver! We have done fairly well, keep those prayers at His Throne!

Fantastic news about the house (picture included, I hope), everything is moving forward! The CWH board approved a house that we looked at while Shari & Brad were here, we have contacted the owner and he is coming down from Nairobi for a meeting to work out a sale. This needs a lot of pray! Nothing moves quickly in Kenya but we are asking for God to move supernaturally on this for the sake of the children who need a home. Pray also for all the finances to be in place, finances to purchase the house but also finances to continue the monthly work expenses.

Kenya needs all the prayer we can pour out for her and her people. Because of the earlier violence this year food is becoming increasingly harder and harder to find. The next harvest is not until August and this is only in certain areas. Where we live it is very high and we only get one harvest , it comes later in the fall, Oct - Nov. Everyone here is very concerned and many children are being abandoned or left for a time because their parents can not feed them. As I have already written the worst hit by this is the infant population. The forum we attend for children’s home workers is very concerned and have purposed setting up a forum sponsored house just for abandoned babies. The hospital is overwhelmed and many women are seeking abortions so they will not have to deal with feeding another child. Such hopelessness is the work of satan!
God has sent us here to bring the message of Isaiah 61, pray we have the Grace we need to do it! We love you all so very much! I enjoy writing this because I know that as I do, there are so many of you reading it and praying, we are not alone! God is in His people and we are all working together to see His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! God Bless all of you our beloved Family! The Leisters in Kenya

Sarah (3 months now ) & Gabriel ( 2 months ) wake up between 6:00 & 6:30 after several wake up calls during the night, we usually bring them in bed with us to enjoy their morning coos and giggles. If the sun is shinning, it is usually doing it in the morning and it fills our room with what feels like the warmth of God’s Glory. We enjoy this time of morning! This does not last to long though and by 7:00 our next 2 youngest, Margret ( 1 year on the 28th ) & Jerusalem ( 15 months) are awake and calling for breakfast usually with big smiles of good morning. This is when our day gets busy!

Dad gets up and makes sure Troy & Dannon are up, Mom changes babies and lets them talk awhile to each other as I go in and change Margret & Jerusalem. Troy & Dannon are usually dressed and ready to carry each little sister down to the kitchen by this time, where Dad has taken Gabe in his bouncy seat and Sarah to sit in the walker.
Dad then goes and turns on the hot water tank to the wash machine ( praise God for the washer we got for a very good price from some Missionary friends who are out of the country for a extended time and the hot water tank, all this purchased by CWH ). The first load of the morning is diapers! 4 babies in cloth diapers is a experience I have not had before, again thank God for the washer.
While I am putting in the wash, Troy & Dannon are making toast for 2 very hungry little girls as fast as they can. I then return to the kitchen to cook up portage for the children and ugoli for our dog Tyson. During the cooking time I make a bottle for Sarah & Gabe who have decided they have waited joyfully long enough. Troy & Dannon then each take a baby and feed them their bottles and if we are blessed ( which we are all the time of course no matter what! ) these two, go back down for a short morning nap while everyone else finishes their breakfast.
Dad now is upstairs preparing for his busy day out and about doing things on the property or meeting with this person or that, keeping the whole process going. Mary our house help comes at 8:00 and begins mopping floors up stairs and picking up cloths for the next wash. She is such a blessing, she is the one Monday - Friday that hangs out the wash and cleans up after us.
When every one is done with breakfast it is up stairs we go for Troy & Dannon to start their school day and mom to get all little ones dressed for the day. It is now about 9:30 and Sarah & Gabe are up and Margret & Jerusalem are ready to go down for their morning nap! Throw in a couple of Dr. appointments or a trip to see the Social Service People and you have a common morning in our lives! As I write this it sounds way to organized, just know it is not, caoss usually reigns a bit from time to time believe me! Pretty crazy but fun at the same time.
We are in the rainy season, it brings along with it many blessings for the crops and such but it also brings the dampness & chill that creates a perfect environment for colds, flu and malaria. Praise God! He is our Healer and our Health Giver! We have done fairly well, keep those prayers at His Throne!

Fantastic news about the house (picture included, I hope), everything is moving forward! The CWH board approved a house that we looked at while Shari & Brad were here, we have contacted the owner and he is coming down from Nairobi for a meeting to work out a sale. This needs a lot of pray! Nothing moves quickly in Kenya but we are asking for God to move supernaturally on this for the sake of the children who need a home. Pray also for all the finances to be in place, finances to purchase the house but also finances to continue the monthly work expenses.

Kenya needs all the prayer we can pour out for her and her people. Because of the earlier violence this year food is becoming increasingly harder and harder to find. The next harvest is not until August and this is only in certain areas. Where we live it is very high and we only get one harvest , it comes later in the fall, Oct - Nov. Everyone here is very concerned and many children are being abandoned or left for a time because their parents can not feed them. As I have already written the worst hit by this is the infant population. The forum we attend for children’s home workers is very concerned and have purposed setting up a forum sponsored house just for abandoned babies. The hospital is overwhelmed and many women are seeking abortions so they will not have to deal with feeding another child. Such hopelessness is the work of satan!
God has sent us here to bring the message of Isaiah 61, pray we have the Grace we need to do it! We love you all so very much! I enjoy writing this because I know that as I do, there are so many of you reading it and praying, we are not alone! God is in His people and we are all working together to see His kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! God Bless all of you our beloved Family! The Leisters in Kenya