Christmas in Kenya 2009

Now this looks like Christmas at the Leister's! This is our 3rd Christmas in Kenya! Dannon was happy with her gift! Gifts!! Gabe loved the candy canes! Enoch with his Christmas Stocking! Ruth enjoying her gifts on Christmas morning! Wall of stockings! One for everyone, even our househelp! They were made by a friend in colorado! They are so beautiful! Baking Christmas cookies with friends! Shoebox gifts from our friends at New Life Church in Pierce Idaho! Our beautiful Christmas Tree! This was the 1st year we had a tree for Christmas we were so blessed, we purchased it from some friends who were returning to the states. Outside looking in! Prayer time! It was great to have Josh, Rachel and our grandson Tekoa with us for Christmas! We had many visitors during Christmas! This was a group that visited from Moi Referal Hospital ( the hospital where we have recieved most of our children from) Sarah Mamlin and her husband direct the intern program there between Kenya and the US. These ...