Happy New Year! 2013
2013 The Year of completeness, has started out very busy for us here at Tumaini! Dad made stick horses for Christmas for everyone and it has been one race after another. In November Nala ( Mama German Shepard ) had our 1st batch of pups. Here is Gabe holding one when they were still very small. We have all enjoyed them so much! But sooner or later we knew we would have to part with them. In January we sold all but 1 and 1 kept for the Josh Leister family. Here is a photo of Dave and Linda Muncie with their pup Samson. Dave & Linda have been a great help here at Tumaini and have blessed us as wonderful friends. After excepting 3 new infants in late 2012! Gael Birth Date June 26, 2012 Alex, Birth date November 5, 2012 Felix Birth da...