Happy New Year! 2013
2013 The Year of completeness, has started out very busy for us here at Tumaini!
Dad made stick horses for Christmas for everyone and it has been one race after another.
In November Nala ( Mama German Shepard ) had our 1st batch of pups. Here is Gabe holding one when they were still very small.
We have all enjoyed them so much!
But sooner or later we knew we would have to part with them. In January we sold all but 1 and 1 kept for the Josh Leister family. Here is a photo of Dave and Linda Muncie with their pup Samson. Dave & Linda have been a great help here at Tumaini and have blessed us as wonderful friends.
After excepting 3 new infants in late 2012!
Gael Birth Date June 26, 2012
Alex, Birth date November 5, 2012
Felix Birth date October 30, 2012
and celebrating several December birthdays:
Enoch's 4th Dec. 7th
Matthew's 4th Dec. 8th
Dannon's 14th Dec. 30th
Esther's 2nd Dec. 30
Elizabeth's 2nd Dec. 30
and even though he had already celebrated we did it again for Tekoa's 4th Birthday Dec. 12
We rang in the New Year with Naomi's 3rd January 1st!
Dad and Mom decided it was time for a short rest! We drove a little over an hr from Eldoret to a quiet place called " Rondo Retreat Center " recommended by friends. We had a wonderfully quiet rest full two days just Dad & Mom!
A bit of tea! As my friend Linda would say,
wonderful surroundings,
a few friendly monkeys and wild life,
this was were we stayed,
some much needed rest,
beautiful accommodations,
some really great food,
we were ready to go home for some fun in the sun with the kidos! This slip n slide was given to the children for Christmas from some other friends in Eldoret, thank you Peter n Rosa!
Before we knew it , it is time for school! Shinning Light Mission School 2013
This is our Baby, Middle and Top Class Kindergarden
This is our 1st grade class!
We also get to greet our new intern from China, Phyllis!
and we do not want to forget our upperclass women!
Also every Hello must have a Good by and that is what we had to say to our sweet Anna - Lenna from Germany! Goodby Anna we Praise God for all your love and hardwork while you visited us! We love you and hope to see you again sometime!
Again, we want to say our thanks to all of you who read this and support us here in Kenya at Tumaini Children's Home.
The words just do not say enough about how much we appreciate your giving of finances, encouragments, gifts and more than anything your prayers but we hope the pictures tell the story! We pray as you see these wonderful, beautiful, healthy, happy children with so much hope you will know what your support is doing. These children were like so many others here and all over the world, who had no hope for life, let alone a future and now they have a life full of promise, a home, a loving family and the Hope that only God gives so greatly! This is what your giving is doing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We also want to encourage you please do not pass up an opportunity to sponsor one of our children here at Tumaini and become a vital part of our family!
Go to www.tchkenya.com! Find out how to sponsor.
Love Horace, Phyllis,Troy, Dannon and all here at Tumaini Children's Home.