Hi Everyone; This has taken me awhile but here we are. This week has been a exciting one! The plane ride was really great! The girls and Marvin did fantastic! We were met at the airport by everyone but our luggage. We did retrieve it on Tuesday afternoon, here in Eldoret. It deffinately looked like it had a hard time getting here. Most everything was still in it. Someone had put plastic security srips on it, they had to be cut off with a knife, Marvin slipped and got his leg. Our 1st trip to the medicle services of kenya! The doctor is a christian, Josh was glad to meet him, he may beable to help at some time. After Marvin got his stiches he passed out because of the meds and hit his head on the floor, God is good all the time. Marvin is good now his face bearly shows the marks, he is walking like a real person and his mother even survived this day. That was tuesday, wednsday Josh went for a jog and broke some bones in his foot, again God is good all the time because what could ha...