Things are Happening Here in Kenya!
We got our "Children With Hope" van today! It just felt so good to have completed this important part of our purpose here. People are begining to reconize us, it was a God thing that we got a white van that looks alot like the van we rented. We are very pleased with it and can not wait to transport children! We have made a friend that is planning to take us out to a children's home that is near where CWH's property is located. He says that they are having success and they will be very happy to share how them came by success, so we can too. There is such a need here that everyone wants to see more successful homes started. We have made some very good friends already here. There are also many who would like a job building and or working at the center when it gets going. We are praying for people with the same heart and vision as CWH, to see Kenyan's help Kenyan's, to come alongside of us in this work. We know God has already spoken to those who will, we just need to know them when we meet them, Pray for this please! Again thank you all so much for all your support. When we pray together each morning we are so stuck with how blessed we are to have all of you with us in this incredeble work of God. Be so Blessed! Love the Leister Family in Kenya
