Making Progress in Kenya
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for the comments on this blog we so appreciate feed back. For Randi, these are some of the children at the orphanage we visited, they are all very sweet and we hope to continue our friendship with them and Angelina their care giver.
We are getting buisier, only because we are meeting new people and kenyans are very friendly. They try to make you feel welcome when and where ever they can. We went down the road a bit on Friday evening to a graduation we were invited to. It was a real experience, our neighbor graduated college. She was 2 hrs late for her own party but hey everyone was ok with that. They served us food and drinks ( which were fabulus) and we all waited. We got there about 3:30 the party started at 2:00. We ate and visited until she and a bunch of people, we asume were at the graduation pulled up in a pickup truck about 6:00 there were 20 in all. They were singing and having a great time, no one was upset like I said. We congradulated her and talked with her husband who can help haul supplies out to the children's center when the time comes, and then we left around 8:00. They were quite upset with us for leaving really, we found out later that it is Kenyan custom to ask persmission from your host to leave, in fact the husband is sappose to ask if he may take his wife and children if they are present home, he then waits for an affirmative answer from the host before he does. You learn something new every day here, I tell you what. When they told Josh this, he just said " well you will just have to forgive us, in America we go - get it done and go home. They all just laughed, they are so graces here.
Please continue to pray for the building project, it does look like we are breaking through. Horace is sappose to go to the land office with the man who's name is going to go with CWH on the title. The attorney says that if this takes place by Nov. We could have the titles in hand by Dec. and we could begin to build. We know with all our hearts that God has a time for all this to happen and He will see it come to pass but prayer is what puts fuel to the engine.

For all of you who have been praying for Marvin in particular I hope to have some pictures soon. He is doing so well here. He is so friendly no one forgets his face. When we go down town, you will hear his name being called out. Thank you so much for your prayers, please keep them coming. He is also playing football (soccer) with some boys on Saturdays and Sundays.

Troy and Dannon are very happy, their dad said "yes" to a puppy, we got him on saturday, he is very qute he does not have a name yeat, we can not agree. He is all african and he looks kind of like a wild dog. We got him from Pastor Tucker and they assure us he will grow to be a fine guard dog. Righ now he is just so cuddly.

Horace has been buisy with the hand tools he has ( pictures soon ) he has made everyone a bed, 2 desks, 2 night tables and a dresser for the girls room. I have been buisy making curtains hanging pictures I brought so that it kind of looks like home here. We are trying to get as settled as we can, so when the time come to start the building project we can put all ito it.
Better go, we love you all so much, We hope you are all well, Know that we pray for all of you during our morning prayer time ( which I really love ). In His Kingdom with all of you! Love the Leisters in Kenya & our loved Rachel
Thank you all for the comments on this blog we so appreciate feed back. For Randi, these are some of the children at the orphanage we visited, they are all very sweet and we hope to continue our friendship with them and Angelina their care giver.
We are getting buisier, only because we are meeting new people and kenyans are very friendly. They try to make you feel welcome when and where ever they can. We went down the road a bit on Friday evening to a graduation we were invited to. It was a real experience, our neighbor graduated college. She was 2 hrs late for her own party but hey everyone was ok with that. They served us food and drinks ( which were fabulus) and we all waited. We got there about 3:30 the party started at 2:00. We ate and visited until she and a bunch of people, we asume were at the graduation pulled up in a pickup truck about 6:00 there were 20 in all. They were singing and having a great time, no one was upset like I said. We congradulated her and talked with her husband who can help haul supplies out to the children's center when the time comes, and then we left around 8:00. They were quite upset with us for leaving really, we found out later that it is Kenyan custom to ask persmission from your host to leave, in fact the husband is sappose to ask if he may take his wife and children if they are present home, he then waits for an affirmative answer from the host before he does. You learn something new every day here, I tell you what. When they told Josh this, he just said " well you will just have to forgive us, in America we go - get it done and go home. They all just laughed, they are so graces here.
Please continue to pray for the building project, it does look like we are breaking through. Horace is sappose to go to the land office with the man who's name is going to go with CWH on the title. The attorney says that if this takes place by Nov. We could have the titles in hand by Dec. and we could begin to build. We know with all our hearts that God has a time for all this to happen and He will see it come to pass but prayer is what puts fuel to the engine.

For all of you who have been praying for Marvin in particular I hope to have some pictures soon. He is doing so well here. He is so friendly no one forgets his face. When we go down town, you will hear his name being called out. Thank you so much for your prayers, please keep them coming. He is also playing football (soccer) with some boys on Saturdays and Sundays.

Troy and Dannon are very happy, their dad said "yes" to a puppy, we got him on saturday, he is very qute he does not have a name yeat, we can not agree. He is all african and he looks kind of like a wild dog. We got him from Pastor Tucker and they assure us he will grow to be a fine guard dog. Righ now he is just so cuddly.

Horace has been buisy with the hand tools he has ( pictures soon ) he has made everyone a bed, 2 desks, 2 night tables and a dresser for the girls room. I have been buisy making curtains hanging pictures I brought so that it kind of looks like home here. We are trying to get as settled as we can, so when the time come to start the building project we can put all ito it.
Better go, we love you all so much, We hope you are all well, Know that we pray for all of you during our morning prayer time ( which I really love ). In His Kingdom with all of you! Love the Leisters in Kenya & our loved Rachel
do you need anything we can get to you folks.
bev and randy