News From Kenya
Hello Love ones!
It has been awhile I apologize, we have not been able to work out all the kinks in the internet connection, I am not sure we ever will. So, TIA ( this is Africa ) We are making such good friends here. It is amazing how God is opening doors of relationship. We know you are praying!
We have had some good news about the title, it will probably be in Justus Amunga's ( the pastor who has been helping CWH for awhile) name by the end of the month, now the real hurdle, is getting it in CWH"s name. Because it is a election year, all governmental paper work is at a stand still. God can do anything though, even move paper work from one desk to another and get people to sign it. The paperwork that needs to be pressed through is our NGO ( non Government Org.) then the title can be in CWH's name. Until this is done, I think I have already said this, but we are being told by many that it is not safe to build or improve your land unless it is in your name only, it is such a big temptation for what ever kenyan who's name is on there to want to take possession of it. I guess this has happened many times! Pray dear saints, that is what is getting anything done here!
We do have things we can do though and that is keeping us very busy, we have been working on the plans showing where the buildings will go, measuring out the land and having all that oked and then it will be drawn up. We have been visiting other homes and seeing how they do their's.

We visited a nice one not to far from where CWH will build. ( these are the pictures you will see) This is a very nice facility it accommodates about 89 children right now. Many that are small and these were the ones we got to visit because every one else was in school.

I got a whole new perspective on the title " Mama Phyllis" the person at this children's homes name is Phyllis, they all refer to her as " Mama Phyllis" or Mami! She is a really great lady and has been doing what she does for over 20 years. She has had great success. There are Doctor's and professional people in Eldoret that grew up in this home and now donate and care for the children who now live there. One of these is our neighbor and this is how we got connected. "Mama Phyllis" is the kenyan lady with the head scarf on in the pictures.

I am hoping that she will just take me under her wing and mentor me. We spent the whole day there and it was great.

I am also having some pictures of the property put on so you can see it. Pray for all to come together by the 1st of the year.
Horace finally got an appointment with the governmental Children's worker, his secretary told Horace that all the other homes that are open at this time are full. The ones we have visited are just that. Mama Phyllis takes in 10 a month because they are also set up to do foster care. But she is running out of room. That is why she is so willing to help us, she wants to see it done right ( which a lot are not ) so she can trust us to take her overflow.
We do not know what we would do with out your prayers, there is so much to be done here, and doing it the right way so that the kenyans trust us is so important. So many people have come with their own agenda and helping the children long term is not on that agenda so it falls apart and some many get hurt.
The children's worker ask Horace if CWH were going to take street kids? Horace said that it is not our intention, this disappointed them a lot because the need to get them off the streets is so big. But we have talked with many and even the most successful like mama Phyllis say that they just run away. You have to have a prison type facility to keep them. Again, pray because our hearts go out to the many we see everyday on the street, hundreds! We buy them bread and different foods and give it to them but they sell it to buy glue!

We had some friends take us on a excursion a week ago! When we say a picture is worth a thousand words it is true. I hope the pictures we put on will pretty much talk for themselves. I will just fill in that we only drove part of the way to the falls and walked 3 or so miles in and out also the farm where our friends family lives we had to walk about that too.

In all we walked about 10 miles that day. We were so proud of the kids that day, they drank tea made over a fire and played with the children and chickens and had a great time, they never complained once about the walk. It was a incredible day! The scenery was right out of a Tarzan movie, we had to keep pinching ourselves as you can see from the smiles we had on our faces. We are always amazed of how happy these people are and they have so little.

Well I better end here, there will be more to follow, every day is unexpected here, so we will try to keep you update and informed.
May God's full blessing be upon each of you for all that you have given into this work God is doing. We are seeing prayers answered everyday and more and more of God's purposes revealed. Our prayer has been that God would show us where He is already working and give us what we need each day to work alongside Him! He is doing it! Keep praying; we are seeing His Kingdom and will come to this area.

Side note: in case you have not heard, we are going to have a wedding here too! Our son Josh and our Rachel are getting married in Kenya. If you are sad because you will probably not get here, no worries, we will post pictures to be sure! God's Love to you all! The Leister's in Kenya
It has been awhile I apologize, we have not been able to work out all the kinks in the internet connection, I am not sure we ever will. So, TIA ( this is Africa ) We are making such good friends here. It is amazing how God is opening doors of relationship. We know you are praying!
We have had some good news about the title, it will probably be in Justus Amunga's ( the pastor who has been helping CWH for awhile) name by the end of the month, now the real hurdle, is getting it in CWH"s name. Because it is a election year, all governmental paper work is at a stand still. God can do anything though, even move paper work from one desk to another and get people to sign it. The paperwork that needs to be pressed through is our NGO ( non Government Org.) then the title can be in CWH's name. Until this is done, I think I have already said this, but we are being told by many that it is not safe to build or improve your land unless it is in your name only, it is such a big temptation for what ever kenyan who's name is on there to want to take possession of it. I guess this has happened many times! Pray dear saints, that is what is getting anything done here!
We do have things we can do though and that is keeping us very busy, we have been working on the plans showing where the buildings will go, measuring out the land and having all that oked and then it will be drawn up. We have been visiting other homes and seeing how they do their's.

We visited a nice one not to far from where CWH will build. ( these are the pictures you will see) This is a very nice facility it accommodates about 89 children right now. Many that are small and these were the ones we got to visit because every one else was in school.

I got a whole new perspective on the title " Mama Phyllis" the person at this children's homes name is Phyllis, they all refer to her as " Mama Phyllis" or Mami! She is a really great lady and has been doing what she does for over 20 years. She has had great success. There are Doctor's and professional people in Eldoret that grew up in this home and now donate and care for the children who now live there. One of these is our neighbor and this is how we got connected. "Mama Phyllis" is the kenyan lady with the head scarf on in the pictures.

I am hoping that she will just take me under her wing and mentor me. We spent the whole day there and it was great.

I am also having some pictures of the property put on so you can see it. Pray for all to come together by the 1st of the year.
Horace finally got an appointment with the governmental Children's worker, his secretary told Horace that all the other homes that are open at this time are full. The ones we have visited are just that. Mama Phyllis takes in 10 a month because they are also set up to do foster care. But she is running out of room. That is why she is so willing to help us, she wants to see it done right ( which a lot are not ) so she can trust us to take her overflow.
We do not know what we would do with out your prayers, there is so much to be done here, and doing it the right way so that the kenyans trust us is so important. So many people have come with their own agenda and helping the children long term is not on that agenda so it falls apart and some many get hurt.
The children's worker ask Horace if CWH were going to take street kids? Horace said that it is not our intention, this disappointed them a lot because the need to get them off the streets is so big. But we have talked with many and even the most successful like mama Phyllis say that they just run away. You have to have a prison type facility to keep them. Again, pray because our hearts go out to the many we see everyday on the street, hundreds! We buy them bread and different foods and give it to them but they sell it to buy glue!

We had some friends take us on a excursion a week ago! When we say a picture is worth a thousand words it is true. I hope the pictures we put on will pretty much talk for themselves. I will just fill in that we only drove part of the way to the falls and walked 3 or so miles in and out also the farm where our friends family lives we had to walk about that too.

In all we walked about 10 miles that day. We were so proud of the kids that day, they drank tea made over a fire and played with the children and chickens and had a great time, they never complained once about the walk. It was a incredible day! The scenery was right out of a Tarzan movie, we had to keep pinching ourselves as you can see from the smiles we had on our faces. We are always amazed of how happy these people are and they have so little.

Well I better end here, there will be more to follow, every day is unexpected here, so we will try to keep you update and informed.
May God's full blessing be upon each of you for all that you have given into this work God is doing. We are seeing prayers answered everyday and more and more of God's purposes revealed. Our prayer has been that God would show us where He is already working and give us what we need each day to work alongside Him! He is doing it! Keep praying; we are seeing His Kingdom and will come to this area.

Side note: in case you have not heard, we are going to have a wedding here too! Our son Josh and our Rachel are getting married in Kenya. If you are sad because you will probably not get here, no worries, we will post pictures to be sure! God's Love to you all! The Leister's in Kenya
~Ange Movius
Blessings to all of you we are so glad that things seem to moving forward for all of you. God is working in so many ways it is hard to keep up. I am so glad as is all of my family for the news of Josh and Rachel. What blessing to God's work will come from that union. We are looking forward to Josh coming home in December. I am still praying that Randy will decide to come to the wedding. I hope some day to bring a team to help your efforts there. I have always wanted to place my feet in Africa much like other countries.
Please let us know if you need anything sent back with Josh when he comes. Take care