A Miracle Month!

Wow, what a month February has been! I think I will declare the unconditional love of God and His favor at the beginning of every month! We have had so many testimonies to God's miracles around us! So I am releasing the Spirit of Prophesy in proclaiming the testimony of Jesus!
We have a new housekeeper ( described as house help here in Kenya) she has worked for us around 3 months. Her and her husband pastor a church in one of the slum areas,Heruma. This area was one of the areas most hit by the violence last year. Many sad stories, many women and children left abandoned because of a dead or just missing husband. Bea and Francis minister to these families! They are good people and good workers too, Francis has been working on the new house with Horace.
While working in our kitchen Bea noticed that we had a super surplus of 500ml tins with lids. These tins are what the babies formula comes in and we go through about 5 a week. We have used as many as we could for storing different things, Horace has used them for keeping small things in his shop but we were now storing them until we could put them in the trash pick up!
Bea asked if she could take them to her mama's group, she held on Wednesdays! I said "you sure can!" So Bea began carring a big bag of small tins home with her every week to give out to the mamas in her group. A couple weeks later she gave me this testimony!
She told me that as she walked through this area where their church is located, several women would stop her and ask her for one of these tins she was carring. They had heard that she gave them out and they were very useful because of the lid to keep commodities in. She told them she could not just give out these tins, they were a gift from God via a white mama who is caring for orphaned Kenyan children! If they wanted one of these they needed to come to the mama's group and listen to the word of God and pray with the the other mama's, then they could take one of these tins home with them.
Bea said that her group has grown so fast and she use to come and preach to the mamas but now there is no time for her to preach. After reading the word everyone wants to give their testimony on how God had intervened on their behalf to fill the tins they had received as a gift from Him at this meeting. Many are receiving Jesus as their Savior because of these experiences!
One testimony was of a mama who had no flour and could not afford to buy any. As she was passing by the local posha ( this is a small grinding mill, for making maze into corn flour) she went home with a full tin of corn flour. Bea was not sure if she was given the flour or it was just put there by God but either way it was a miracle for this family, they ate "chapati" ( small round flat bread) for dinner that night! Praise God He is so faithful to His gift of Salvation! He will even use a small throw away tin! We are so happy to be part of all that He is doing!
They are experiencing unexpected growth in their church, they are blaming it on us and the favor they see in our lives here at Tumaini Childen's Center. What a wonderful God we serve! We were just lamenting that we do not get to do any ministry outside of the day to day caring for our wonderful children but God can use a tin!
Our own personal Miraculous sign and wounder is our receiving precious baby Enoch! I went to the hospital about 2 weeks ago, just to introduce a new friend to the nursing staff there. While I was there God happened to point out to me a very small baby. I ask about him and was told that he was not well and probably would not survive. I have had enough of these experiences during the time I have been visiting this hospital for this to get my attention.
I reached down and took hold of his little hand, his skin felt just like paper he was so dehydrated. I left for a meeting with the administrator, after discussing the nursing program, I told this lady that I was interested in the baby I had seen. She smiled and said " Phyllis can you take any more" I said" we will see, all I know is he will not survive in the hospital"! My nursing Friend ,Sarah, started that evening to go to the hospital and feed Enoch.
She called me the next morning and asked me if I had found out about taking him, he was very ill and she did not think he could hang on much longer. He was born on Dec. 7Th about 6 weeks before he should have been. He was having a lot of trouble keeping his food down and the hospital staff were through giving their time trying to feed him. They had decided he would not survive and that was it.
Sarah and I thought differently, we began to pray and as most of you know got as many people as we could to pray also! Sarah went and fed Enoch little bits,even when the hospital staff told her she could not, while I got everyone here calling the DCO and telling him we had to get Enoch out of the hospital or he would die.
First he was out of town and then when he got back in he met me at the hospital to see Enoch, he agreed that he was in a bad way and needed 24hr care to survive but it turned out he was to busy that week and called to tell us that he would not be able to process Enoch's case by Thursday ( which is the usual day for these proceedings)he was to busy.
It seemed to be that and Enoch would have to hold on for another week which would be a complete physical miracle. I really felt like Horace should go down to the DCO"s office on Friday morning, he did not feel that it would do any good but he did it for me! I just felt God was up to something and Enoch was meant to come here to Tumaini and live!
Horace came back home to tell us that the DCO had talked with him and there would be a special time with the Magistrate that afternoon at 2:00, that was the beginning of the miracle, this never happens! I called the hospital and told them that they needed to have Enoch there at 2:00 sharp or we could loose this chance. Well everyone was there before 2:00, except the hospital, they got there 1hr later! Everyone was so angry, the Magistrate was furious at us! She told us to go home and come back next week at the regular time!
There were many angry words said and everyone turned to leave! The Magistrate began her regular court and dismissed us! All I could hear in my heart was satan was about to rob and steal again and this was not the will of God we were about to let happen. My mouth just opened and I pleaded with all involved to reconsider what was about to take place! Everyone just looked at me they could not believe that I was talking but then God did what He was going to do! The Magistrate stopped court and called us back into her quarters! She was angry but she did the paper work and they brought Enoch out and gave him to me! I am telling you, this never happens, and everyone knew it! We were all in aw! God will do what He purposes,we must stand with Him!!!! Enoch is here and he is thriving! Along with the rest of our miracle babies, 10 now!
Just one more testimony! Remember my Nursing friend Sarah? She has been helping out here a few hrs week. On Wednesday she felt like she was not to come, I had felt the day before led to give her a stethoscope we had here. She was so please, she never felt she would ever have one of her own! That Wednesday she got to use it like we never imagined! A young woman came to her house, she was in labor. She wanted help because she thought she was only 7 months and did not know if it was real labor or not. Sarah used her new stethoscope to listen how the baby was doing during the contractions, all of a sudden the heart beat went real faint and then it was gone. The babies heart beat just stopped. They called a midwife, she could not find a heart beat either. Everyone was getting really worried! The mom continued to labor.
They decide to take her to the hospital, all the time praying, praying, praying! The Dr. could not find a heart beat and he said the baby was most likely dead but the mother would have to continue giving birth to get the babies body out. You can imagine how my fiend and the mother felt but they continued to pray through out the delivery, never a heart beat! When the baby was born everyone gasp, he opened his eyes and began to cry! He was alive and just seconds before his birth there was no heart beat! Mother and child are doing wonderully and my fiend who has never before experienced a miracle.
I hope you all are praising God with me and declaring His unending love in all our impossible situations! Keep praying, Glory to God! We love and appreciate all of you so much! Love the Leister Family in Kenya
I am so glad you are beginning to really see fruit for your labors. I know that the last year and half has had some very trying moments, but you have persevered and God is showing his faithfulness. Continue in His will and you will continue to see miraculous things happen.
I just want to thank all of you for making Largent feel so welcome and loved in your home. I know that he came away from Kenya with a whole new appreciation for what it takes to take care of babies, and of how God works miracles when we allow him to be the author of our lives.
I want to thank all of you so much for loving Largent, opening your home, and treating him like part of your family when he has come to visit. Those visits have been very important to his time there and I know God is going to work through Largent to show the world what Africa means to our Heavenly Father. Can't wait to see you in August.
Hugs - jules