Children's Meeting Place

Hi everyone, I will try to make this bit shorter, I get to going on and on! We are all doing well! Christmas is just about apon us and the sun is still shinning the flowers are still bloming and I guess we live in paradise. We thank our family and friends who have sent us pictures of the snow back home the children and I are very grateful, we so love the snow. Horace is so very grateful for where we are he has always been able to do with out the snow.
This week has been another eventful week we have had all sorts of trips and things to see and experience. We were taken by some neighbors to a view spot up in the mountains. They were both world class runners before they were married. They took us to St. Particts High School, in the town of Iten. This is a very successful and famous school where they develope world the fastes people in the world, literally! If you go out a mile or so from here you come to a view point where a man from Belguim built a resturant and cabins. It is a very beatiful place and we had fantastic food. Our Kenyan neighbors told us before he built there no one would buy the property, everyone was afraid of falling off the edge. Now that he has been so successful and has such a wonderful place you can not afford to build there. Again God so blessed us with the generosity of people like yourselves who give into our lives from theirs. Our children had such a great time as we all did, we even saw a colombus monkey ( the big black and white kind ) we did not get a good picture of it though.
Dec.1 we got to go and spend some great time with a ministry that is working with street children and all other displaced children. They have a children's church in the middle of one of the slum areas here in Eldoret. We again got to be part of this just by God's good grace as he connects us to people. We met an Austrailian man at thanksgiving lunch and later he told us he would like us to meet him and go to this meeting.
The meeting was to celebrate the breaking of ground for the new building that is going to house the church. The ministry has about 100 children coming right now and the building they have been meeting in is a 12 x 12 tin shack. They have been given some funds to start building this new one. They are all very excited. We were amazed to be there. The only problem was that we are always to early.
When the africans say a meeting is at 10:00 like this one they mean 12:00 but this is very hard for Horace Leister, all those who know him shake your heads and laugh with us. So we got there at 9:30 and helped put up tents, chairs took some pictures and it was already almost noon. We had to do some other things so we left before all the big people got there. We really came to see the little people anyway, so it was a great morning.
The Pastor and his wife who run this ministry are very protective of their kids because they say that they get abused by well wishers who never complete what they say they will. We are praying we will not be in this category. We are going to meet with they later this week and discuss how our ministries can be of service to each other. They are housing at least 16 children in their home at this time. We are thinking that we may apply for a foster license and start helping those who need less permenent houseing then if it turns into permenant then they will just transfer out to the childrens home. We are praying!!!
Horace is collecting building materials and we are antisipating that the titles will be in Pastor Amunga's hands by next week. Pray again for him and the trustee document and everything that must come about for CWH to be a established entity here. We are even more anxious the closer it gets.
Thank you all so much for your support of every kind! It is so incredable how God is doing all He is doing in and through us, just ordinary christian people. Horace has given his " we are not missionaries, but just christians doing what God has called us to do" speech several times. He gets some very surprised looks but they are still talking to us and iviting us to help so on we go! We love you all so much and we will keep you posted on things here. Drop us a comment every now and then and let us know that you are reading and seeing the pictures. Thank you, all those who do regularly! In Jesus' mighty name! The Leisters in Kenya
We love you!
Val and Julie