So much to do and so little time to do it!

In June Tumaini was so blessed to have the Downs family from Colorado, USA come and visit us! We had a great time working together and we got to so other things too!

We visited one of our favorite sposts and had lunch,Iten!

This is truly one of my favoite pictures! This is our beautiful friend Laurajean Downs with some of the crew!

Snack time in the yard!

We took the Shining Light class for a nature walk!

Here Lexi Downs is teaching with the name tags she made for all the children's desks!

Last minuet shopping before they leave, Laurajean & Vern Downs! Thanks guys we had a great time!

In July we graduated our 1st 6 month Child Developement & Behavour Course!

We had 10 in the class and 4 who recieved certificates for being at every class! We will begin another 6 month course in January 2012!

Also in July we graduted our Cooking Class!

The pizza was great! The students enjoyed all the meals we made and I enjoyed the students so much, this was great fun!

Dad put together a temperary climbing Gym! Everyone loves to climb and hang and swing!

We also started a Dance class for the school age group! We began with a video but while Rachel is here she will work with them on preballet! They love it and it is great excersise! Brenda & Gabe


We also completted our 2nd term of Preschool and had a painting party!

With Popcorn and cookies!

Here are our latest 2 arrivals! Zuriel Grace & Thomas Akiba!

And The beginning of August brought our beloved Josh Leister family to Tumaini! Josh has completed his Clinical Officer training and they are ready for their next step in life here in Kenya! They will be staying here with our children while us 4 American Leisters take a trip to the US to visit our family there! We will stay in touch! Thank you everyone for your continued prayer and love for our whole family! Love from all us here at Tumaini!