Almost Christmas 2011 !
Hi to everyone! Sorry this has taken so long! We Leister's are back and reunited with our family here in Kenya at Tumaini and it is almost Christmas 2011!
" For to us a child is born, to us a son is given..." Isaiah 9:6 What would Christmas be without children! It began with a child and we ( the Leisters ) are so blessed by the children God has given us here in our family at Tumaini! Thank you Jesus for such gifts!
Here is Dad Leister and our youngest Thomas! Thomas is growing so wonderfully! We give God all the Glory for these fragile infants like Thomas, he is such a miracle! Praise God

Here is our next miracle! Zuri,only God could have picked her up from her circumstances and delivered her on to us!! Thank you Father God for your eyes that see all and hear the cries no one else can hear! A picture of God's ultimate desire for us all, Salvation, Life in Him!

Getting ready for our Christmas Celebration! Troy making Christmas cards with her little kenyan brothers and sisters.

Talk about miracles, here are our fiesty Twins,Elizabeth & Esther! Elizabeth is now waking all over and Esther is trying her best to catch up!

How is Brighton, well here he is with his therapest, walking with his therapeutic walker, that was donated for him while we were in the states. Thank you Chavez family, Hope Chapel Lewiston! Another Miracle!!!!!

What would we do with out our Dad, he even builds the tree! The kids are sure he can make anything!

Mom helps with the trimming! We only trimmed the top half to begin with, all the little hands had to get use to the trimmings and remember we do not touch and pull or the tree comes down and it did! Luckly there was nothing breakable on it!

Dannon made personalized orniments and cookies, then helped them put them up!

Here is our 1st born son ( eldest Boy )in our Tumaini family, Gabrial! He is growing up so fast!

Each one a miracle, here is Joyce with her big smile! Growing, growing too!

Abagail, loving to put on the high ones!

Matthew too!

After Brenda put her's up, she just had to stand and admire her work!

Gabe directing the choir as everyone admires the tree!

We so appreciate all our stockings, WOW!

Here is our finished Tree! The blue sack is our gifts from Sarah Mamlin, we will not put the others out until everyone goes to bed on Christmas Eve and we all know why, right!

Well, we are anticipating the next few days, how about you? We will get back with some Christmas Day pictures, after! Thank you to everyone who shares our delight in God's goodness poured out on these precious littles ones! We appreciate all that you give and do to see that their lives are lived to the fullest! Many Blessings, Merry Christmas! Be back with more soon! Love all of us here at Tumaini!
" For to us a child is born, to us a son is given..." Isaiah 9:6 What would Christmas be without children! It began with a child and we ( the Leisters ) are so blessed by the children God has given us here in our family at Tumaini! Thank you Jesus for such gifts!
Here is Dad Leister and our youngest Thomas! Thomas is growing so wonderfully! We give God all the Glory for these fragile infants like Thomas, he is such a miracle! Praise God
Here is our next miracle! Zuri,only God could have picked her up from her circumstances and delivered her on to us!! Thank you Father God for your eyes that see all and hear the cries no one else can hear! A picture of God's ultimate desire for us all, Salvation, Life in Him!
Getting ready for our Christmas Celebration! Troy making Christmas cards with her little kenyan brothers and sisters.
Talk about miracles, here are our fiesty Twins,Elizabeth & Esther! Elizabeth is now waking all over and Esther is trying her best to catch up!
How is Brighton, well here he is with his therapest, walking with his therapeutic walker, that was donated for him while we were in the states. Thank you Chavez family, Hope Chapel Lewiston! Another Miracle!!!!!
What would we do with out our Dad, he even builds the tree! The kids are sure he can make anything!
Mom helps with the trimming! We only trimmed the top half to begin with, all the little hands had to get use to the trimmings and remember we do not touch and pull or the tree comes down and it did! Luckly there was nothing breakable on it!
Dannon made personalized orniments and cookies, then helped them put them up!
Here is our 1st born son ( eldest Boy )in our Tumaini family, Gabrial! He is growing up so fast!
Each one a miracle, here is Joyce with her big smile! Growing, growing too!
Abagail, loving to put on the high ones!
Matthew too!
After Brenda put her's up, she just had to stand and admire her work!
Gabe directing the choir as everyone admires the tree!
We so appreciate all our stockings, WOW!
Here is our finished Tree! The blue sack is our gifts from Sarah Mamlin, we will not put the others out until everyone goes to bed on Christmas Eve and we all know why, right!
Well, we are anticipating the next few days, how about you? We will get back with some Christmas Day pictures, after! Thank you to everyone who shares our delight in God's goodness poured out on these precious littles ones! We appreciate all that you give and do to see that their lives are lived to the fullest! Many Blessings, Merry Christmas! Be back with more soon! Love all of us here at Tumaini!