
Showing posts from July, 2012

More Profiles of our Tumaini Children, needing sponsorhip!

Naomi Naomi is 2 years!  She is a very bright and Happy, little girl who likes to laugh and play with all her brother's and sisters.  Naomi became part of our family at Tumain in June 2010, she was estimated to be around 6 months.  She was so small and malnourished that it was hard to detect her real age.  As she has grown and developed we are sure she was several months older than estimated but she will just be ahead of the game because of it!  Naomi speaks very well in both English and Swahili.  Because of her age she does not attend pre-school as yet but she is so excited to start in the in the new year!  Naomi loves to see the funny side of things and laughs a lot!  Praising God for our Naomi! Boaz Boaze is 2 years!  He has been part of our family at Tumaini since 2010 and he was almost 3 months!  He was a sad little baby with eyes that would not stay still, crossing and uncrossing!  Holding him clo...

Sponsoring a gift of Love!

Here we are " Tumaini Children's Home" July 2012!  Praise God No one ever smiles when you want them to!  I am laughing here, because of the comment about this from the photographer!  Everyone behind the camera was jumping and laughing trying to get all the children to smile, they just stared straight ahead, except Phoebe, she wanted to know what I was laughing about!  On this Blog and for several more I would like to encourage all our friends and family to help get  sponsorships for our children here at Tumaini!  These sponserships are such a blessing to our children but also for those who sponsor!  We have heard from those who sponsor children through their lives, how enriched they feel to have been part of seeing children thrive on the love that is shared through such sponsorships! We hope you will become a sponsor and help others recieve the same blessing!   This is Brighton! ...

God's Blessing: The Human Touch

Ehpesians 1:3, 4:16  Blessings are ours, every Spiritual Blessing that Heaven has is ours, one of the most rewarding are our relationships!  God has defined our relationships in His family like this,  Ephesians 4: 4-7 " We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future. there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and there is only one God and Father, who is over us all and in us all and living through us all!"  and as we touch each other's lives, this is what happens, Eph. 4:16 "under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly.  As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. "  We are so appreicative for the wonderful relationships He has given us!  Here are some of God's incredable Blessings that  touched our lives, in the las few weeks!  ...