God's Blessing: The Human Touch
Ehpesians 1:3, 4:16 Blessings are ours, every Spiritual Blessing that Heaven has is ours, one of the most rewarding are our relationships! God has defined our relationships in His family like this, Ephesians 4: 4-7 " We are all one body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same glorious future. there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and there is only one God and Father, who is over us all and in us all and living through us all!" and as we touch each other's lives, this is what happens, Eph. 4:16 "under his direction, the whole body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. " We are so appreicative for the wonderful relationships He has given us! Here are some of God's incredable Blessings that touched our lives, in the las few weeks!
These are our great friends and encouragers, Esther and John Green, Testemony Faith Homes! Testemony Faith Homes, covered us for the 2 years we worked on our official license so we could continue to recieve children who desperately needed a home. We had a great meal and some wonderful Holy Spirit converation at their home, this last week, thank you John & Esther!! ( This picture was taken in 2010 )
Here is a group that we could not do all that we do here at Tumaini without! These are our day workers, our Aunties, Teacher Rose , Eunice, Agnes, Gladys, Jenifer, Rose Kibet and Ken! Our Auntie Milicent is our night worker and not pictured here, soon!

Alice and her 2 girls Maggie & Nancy habe been part of our lives since 2008! Nancy & Maggie first lived with us at Tumaini! Alice was very sick and did not expect to live so she had released the girls to the DCO! God is so good is'nt he! Alice began to recieve some much needed medicine and is still doing great! We returned the girls to her in 2010 with help for rents and school fees! We have been so rewarded to see them recieve Christ and continue to thrive as a family! Thank you Jesus!

Alice and her 2 girls Maggie & Nancy habe been part of our lives since 2008! Nancy & Maggie first lived with us at Tumaini! Alice was very sick and did not expect to live so she had released the girls to the DCO! God is so good is'nt he! Alice began to recieve some much needed medicine and is still doing great! We returned the girls to her in 2010 with help for rents and school fees! We have been so rewarded to see them recieve Christ and continue to thrive as a family! Thank you Jesus!
Robert and His wife Ellen have been our friends for several years! We met at Roberts Cirio Shop, one of our favorite places to buy Kenyan art. They have a great overcomer story! Robert grew up very poor but with an eye for art! He began making small cirios and selling them in a small roadside booth. All the time looking for more ideas and others who could produce the same and helping them sell too! When we first met him, he had just opened his 1st indoor shop! Now he has 3, 2 are at seperate airports!
They have supported the children here at Tumaini for a couple of years now by donating his products! They also always bring goodies! This time they brought suckers for the children and pineapples, oranges and eggs! What a blessing! Thank you Jesus!
Here they all are with their pineapples, oranges and eggs! The pinapples come from Robert's village in Kisi Land, they are very expensive here! They brought us 10!!
Here is a picture of the group who came with Sarah Ellen this week! They came to greet us on our 4th of July! There was a group of 7 of them and the children loved it! There were 2 young boys who played football ( soccer ) with them!
This is our Wonderful Friend Sarah Ellen Mamlin and her Brighton! As we have shared before, most all of our chidlen have come from Moi Referral Hospital where they take in most of the abandoned babies of this region. Brighton was one of these and Sarah and him were great friends before he came as a 2 year old with CP symptoms to our home! She has been amazed as we have with how God has done a might work in our Brighton. At Moi R. Hospital they have a great resource room for chidlrn donated by the Sally Test org., it is called the Sally Test Room, Sarah Ellen is the director. The abandoned infants and children spend their days there with staff trained by Sarah! This room makes the difference between living and not most times for the infants! We so appreciate everyone who works there with the children!
We are so grateful for all of you who extend us your love and encouagement, where ever you are! God Blessyou all! Love All of us here at Tumaini