Our deadline is upon us! Tumaini Children's Home family must move to our new location!
God is so, so Good! He will see what he has begun finished.
This is our new Tumaini Children's Home in progress!
We must move in before December 1, 2017
The house sits on the top 2nd acre of ten beautiful acres. The 1st acre we have dedicated to a prayer and worship garden. This is the front of the house and looks down the full length of the farm.
The homes full structure is completed, windows and doors are being placed now. Upper floor perlins also being set.
The home has 8000 sq feet, 2 separate wings for Boys and Girls bedrooms and bath - toilet areas, guest rooms, large kitchen, dining and setting room that you see here.
The sitting room has a large fireplace, because Kenyan homes do not have heating.
and we love the fireplace!
The kids had to see what was up the chimney, of course!
This is a bay window that is a gift to Mom from Dad, in our bedroom.
Most of the walls will be left natural stone but some must be plastered and painted, this is inside the boys wing, where the toilets and baths will be. The floors ceramic tiled.
The windows are small paned for security and were built on site by a local welder, amazing!
Our plumbing is all being done by Dad, it is a big job with 12 bathrooms!
There is still so much to accomplish for us to move in, please continue to join us in prayer for the completion of our new home!
Thank you everyone for you constant prayer and financial assistance for our children here at Tumaini!
What a blessing all our family and supporters are to us here. It truly is amazing what God is doing here in Kenya through all of you.
www.tchkeny.com www.familykeysitn.com hpleister@gmail.com