We have had a great time!

Blessings everyone! It will not be long now and the Leister family will be returning to our land of promise, Kenya. We have had a incredible time with everyone here in the states.
We traveled to Grand Junction Colorado, to see our friends there with "Children With Hope". We stayed at the home of Thom & Shari Seagren. Thank you Makaylah for letting us sleep in your room and take over for the third time. Thank you boys for always making us feel so much at home.

We took some pictures of the area so all who read this could see what a beautiful area it is. All reports were that we would be headed for some very cold weather but God in His Grace for us Kenyans gave us beatiful warm weather every where we went.
We had the great privilege to share our vision of creating a secure Godly home & family for many children that do not have one,at River of Life Alliance Church, Pastor Rob Storey. We just want to say thank you again to everyone there who welcomed us and made us feel like we are part of your family.

It brought us such joy & courage to see your compassion for the work we are doing with Children With Hope for the desperate children in kenya. Your prayers are invaluable to us, they are making all things possible.
We also want to thank the Board of "Children with Hope" for all their support of us above and beyound!!!! Thank you Thom,Shari,Vern,Tim,Dean & Jesse your are all amazingly incredible.
We left Colorado on the 3rd of April( thankyou Dean for the ride), via Aspen, this took a bit, they got hit with a short windy snow storm that canceled our flight and held us there for about 4hrs.
This got us to Denver late and we missed our flight to Detroit Michigan. Again, we give God all the Glory because we had a great evening in a nice room in Denver. Feeling refreshed we flew out on the morning of the 4th to be met that afternoon by Pastor Tom Hawkins Of New Song church, Tecumseh Michigan.
Pastor Tom took us for a great meal and then home to meet his wonderful wife Vera. It was like we had know each other for life, great conversation and knitted hearts. We stayed at the beautiful home of Jim & Donna Yearson, down town Tecumseh. The town is amazing, lots of history. We missed Donna she was out of state with family but Jim is a great host and a wonderful man of God.

God again provided us with a opportunity to share our hearts full of love and concern for children in kenya with hearts He had prepared to recieve us, Sunday morning at New Song Church was awsome, what a great bunch of people! Thank you all so much for your desire to partner with Children With Hope in kenya.
We want to thank Doc & Val for an increble dinner with Kevin,Cindy and their boys. Also a great lunch with the Missions Committee and Doug & Cathy Sawyer for great food and conversation. We had a great time with Tom & Vera's small group too!
Thank you Tom & Vera for inviting us, we hope to visit again soon, you are all welcome at our home in Kenya anytime.

Jim Yearson drove us to the Detroit Airport at 5:00 Monday morning ( thank you Jim for everything) and we arrived back in Lewiston at 6:45 Monday evening.
It has taken us a few days to get back on our feet but we are up and going now. Time is such a funny thing, thank God, He is in charge of it.
We left Lewiston 8 months ago thinking alot of things would go alot different than they have. Time being one of them, we have been so blessed by this short time of respet we did not expect. Thank you all for your loving on us with words of encouragement that have built us up and prepared us to return.
The word we got from the CWH board was "Go"! We are very excited to continue the vision to see Kenyan children living good lives in a Godly home. For those who do not know what that means, the plan has changed a bit because of the earlier violence. Instead of building a Children's Home, CWH will be working towards buying a house for that same reason in town for now, where a safe enviroment can be provided. The property that CWH owns is at this minuet being planted as a farm and will provide much needed resources of vegetables, fruits, livestock exc... Praise God! His plan is always the A plan!
Time here in the states is short now and we appologize if we have'nt got a chance to personally see everyone but we just want you to know how much we appreciate all of you and that you have made this all possible with you giving support and prayer support.
Please continue to pray for us, we will do the same for all of you! We know that everything that is given into this ministry will be returned 100 times.
The door to God's purposes in Kenya have been opened, we are walking through and with us many more! This is a plan of God for His Glory, Amen! Love The Leisters
Pastor Tom <><
love you