Tumaini Children's Center has a home!

Thank you blog family for all your prayers! Children With Hope are purchasing a house!!!!! God is providing for us again in a big way for this ministry to go forward in helping the orphan children of Kenya, Tumanini Children's Center begins!
The house is only 2 years old and good sized , large enough for all the Kenyan Leisters & children and a few visitors that might drop by. It sits on an acre of land which the sellers intended to build more homes on for their family, so it is set up and ready for CWH to build several homes for house parents and 8 to 10 orphans. Similar to the plan and pattern already envisioned out on the Jua kali property. Keep praying for finances to build these homes!
The house deal in it self is such a miracle! The sellers were offered more money than CWH offered ( considerably more ) but when they prayed the sellers felt they heard God say that this home was built to accommodate the orphan children of Kenya. They have been so gracious to us and we now have new friends not just people we bought a house from.
The purchase process should be complete in July and we are set to move in the 2nd week of August, Praise God!!!! As I said before keep praying for all the finances to completely come in!
Things are pretty much the same around here. We continue to enjoy the little ones God has brought our home, Jerusalem, Margret, Sarah, Gabriel. We hope to add a couple more in the next couple weeks before we move to the new house. The desperate situation for children has not lessened here in Kenya. Even our news papers are talking about it and what can be done. All we know is that we will follow God and do the part He gives us to do, Praise Him!
The picture of us doing our sewing lesson was an adventure I knew you would like to see. We did complet our project and Margret got a new pair of trousers for her birthday!
Leister Family News:
Josh & Rachel are in the states visiting many of you there in Lewiston ID. Marvin is also in the Lewiston area , he will return to Kenya with Josh & Rachel at the end of the month.
Before these 3 Leisters leave the states they will travel with our daughter Jessica and her husband Jeremy & their 3 daughters to Kansas to visit the now “Wichita Leister family “. Our Son Jacob Leister and family, wife Randi & children Caedman & Addison recently moved for him to except a position with Hawker Beachcraft after completing his Engineering Degree, to design aircrafts. This is a childhood dream come true! Again affirming in all of us that God is faithful to His dreams , when we follow Him.
More Leister Family News: We are happy to announce the birth of our 6th grandchild. Our daughter Brandi Dawn Leister gave birth to Shealyne Michele Green, on the 27th of June. We are so excited for what God has planned for this new granddaughter and her parents, He is faithful in all things.
THANK YOU ! All who pray for us & family and keep us in your thoughts, we can since you with us all the time! May God’s Blessing abound towards all of you our precious blog family! The Leisters in Kenya