
Dear Blog family! We are getting ready to move! The final paper work & monies were taken care of today July 31, hurrah!! Tumaini Children’s Center has a home! We are so excited! Our official moving day is the 15th of August.
We are a family of 10 now, our Marvin is back. He is adjusting to life in kenya again and doing well. We are going to keep him very busy, with moving and all. He was very missed and he was greeted by a full house. Hi comment was “ there are so many “ not really but when you are greeted by them all at the same time it just seems like it. All the children love him already and he does so well with all of them. Jerusalem is the most taken with him and we have seen more smiles for Marvin then we have ever seen.
Josh & Rachel have returned also! They are now getting prepared for their move to Kisumu town. It is about 80 miles west of us, on the edge of Lake Victoria. Josh will being going to a school for Clinical Medicine there. Someday they will be able to take their medical degrees and do rural clinics. We are so proud of them walking out the plan God has for their lives here in kenya. They will not be real close because of the poor condition most Kenyan roads but they will not be that far either. We will still be able to do some Holidays and help when the baby comes in December.
All the children are doing great! They are all growing like crazy! Nancy is such a great girl, she is so smiley. She has been doing home school with Troy & Dannon and we hope to have her prepared for a form 1 position when school starts up again in Sept.
Jerusalem is now 16 months and is very independent. She has acquired several English words to go along with the Kiswahili that she had to begin with. Maggie is doing very well in her attempts to walk. She is now 14 months old and is standing with much less support. Even taking a few steps behind the walker on her own.
The babies, t Sarah & Gabe are really growing! We took them in for their 2nd shot and the doctor was very pleased. Sarah is now 5 months and very aggressive to accomplish, she eats from a spoon and walks all over the place in the walker. Gabe is a bit more laid back at 3 months old, he is so good natured and smiles such a big smile to everyone. The scaring on his face has all turned a natural color and you have to look for it to see it.
Troy & Dannon are doing very well also. School ends the 1st of August and they are very pleased about that. They are growing into such wonderful Godly young women. They are an incredible help here and enjoy it all.
Wow ½ of 2008 has already gone by , so much has happened and so many prayers have been answered! And there is more to come! We are looking forward to some very special visits this fall. The 1st is our friends from Romania will be here visiting with the Pastoral School we met them at 2 years ago on our 1st visit to kenya. We are so looking forward to reuniting with them. Also the Tuckers will be returning for 3 months of school with another friend we met the 1st time too, Audrey Boreson.
Then Thom Seagren, President of Children With Hope will be here in September with one of our Board Members, Dean Miller. We are anticipating a great time of showing them around the new house and property, introducing them to the children and many of our new friends here. We have others who are coming too but we will keep you posted on those later. Please pray covering on these now for safe travel and good trips.
As I write this it is raining , we are in the heavy rain season! The storms we get here are awesome, thunder , lighting and torrents of rain that fill any hole or ditch in a matter of minuets. God really out does himself here nothing is ever small of minimal! We are so blessed! Thank you all for your prayers, we hope you know how much we appreciate all of you who are praying! We also hope you can see how much is being answered, please keep up the good work. You are all in our prayers also! Love the Leisters in kenya!