Dear Blog family, we are moved, Praise God! These are the times when we can really feel all of your prayers. It is quite different to move here than it is in the states. Cardboard boxes are a premium here, you just do not go down to the local supermarket and pick the extra ones up. If some one here gets a box they keep it and use it until it literally falls apart. So we packed up all our belongings in our suitcases and plastic bags we have. It was interesting to say the least.
We have a Kenyan family that we have talked about on this blog, their names are Japheth & Naomi Kimutie. They have been exceptional friends to us and they own 2 large covered lorries ( trucks ). They used one to help us move. We were so blessed because as I have said before this is the rainy season. You count on it raining every day. You do not think you have much stuff until you have to pack it up and move it. It took 3 trips with the truck. I forget at times that we are a family of 10 now and we have accumulated things along with the children.
The house is wonderful, it is about ½ the size of the other so we have had to be creative on where everything and everyone goes but we are getting there. We no longer have house help at this point so we are very thankful for the down size of the house to keep clean. One thing that was not here was a place to put the washer ( very important item) but Horace was able to convert a bathroom ( there are6 baths ) into the wash room. What a blessing for him to have the knowledge and skills that he has to do these things on our own. Not only does it save us money but time oh, so much time! We only had to do cloths by hand for 3 or 4 days. I can not tell you how relieved and blessed I felt when it was finished!!!
It has taken everyone a bit of time to adjust to new surroundings. Children do not like their security disrupted anyway but when you have been orphaned, your secure place takes on a whole new meaning. Needless to say we have had our share of sleepless nights. Everyone is getting better though and now know where they are is safe too.
Jewel is most effected, her story is one of total abandonment ( she was left a the police station during the violence ) she keeps a pretty good eye on all of us to make sure that we are all around, especially at bed time. She is getting to talk English so well. When ever Horace goes in our out, she announces him with a loud “ Daddy”.
From the pictures you will see that everyone is growing well. The time goes by so quickly ,Sarah Ellen our 1st infant ( we received her the week we returned in May 2008 ) will be 6 months old Sept. 3rd. Gabe is still our only boy and he just turned 4 months. Maggie and Nancy are growing also and so enjoying being together. Along with our three the make quite a sibling group!
Please never stop praying for us, we so depend on it. Also for the next steps for Tumaini Children’s Center. We must complete the perimeter wall, for safety and then begin on the homes for more children. I get so anxious sometimes with so many children needing homes. Just the other day a man came to make the financial assessment of the property for tax purposes, when he heard that what we were purposing for the property he said “ if you are interested in homeless children we have several in our neighborhood that we will bring you. That is just how it is here! We console ourselves with the knowledge that God knows where each child is and He knows which ones He has destined for here! We Praise Him that He is in charge and we do not have to worry about anything but being ready!
We love you dear family and we are praying for all of you that you would be listening and hearing what God wants to say to you this day! Be so abundantly blessed in His Glorious name! Love from the Leisters in Kenya.

We have a Kenyan family that we have talked about on this blog, their names are Japheth & Naomi Kimutie. They have been exceptional friends to us and they own 2 large covered lorries ( trucks ). They used one to help us move. We were so blessed because as I have said before this is the rainy season. You count on it raining every day. You do not think you have much stuff until you have to pack it up and move it. It took 3 trips with the truck. I forget at times that we are a family of 10 now and we have accumulated things along with the children.
The house is wonderful, it is about ½ the size of the other so we have had to be creative on where everything and everyone goes but we are getting there. We no longer have house help at this point so we are very thankful for the down size of the house to keep clean. One thing that was not here was a place to put the washer ( very important item) but Horace was able to convert a bathroom ( there are6 baths ) into the wash room. What a blessing for him to have the knowledge and skills that he has to do these things on our own. Not only does it save us money but time oh, so much time! We only had to do cloths by hand for 3 or 4 days. I can not tell you how relieved and blessed I felt when it was finished!!!
It has taken everyone a bit of time to adjust to new surroundings. Children do not like their security disrupted anyway but when you have been orphaned, your secure place takes on a whole new meaning. Needless to say we have had our share of sleepless nights. Everyone is getting better though and now know where they are is safe too.
Jewel is most effected, her story is one of total abandonment ( she was left a the police station during the violence ) she keeps a pretty good eye on all of us to make sure that we are all around, especially at bed time. She is getting to talk English so well. When ever Horace goes in our out, she announces him with a loud “ Daddy”.
From the pictures you will see that everyone is growing well. The time goes by so quickly ,Sarah Ellen our 1st infant ( we received her the week we returned in May 2008 ) will be 6 months old Sept. 3rd. Gabe is still our only boy and he just turned 4 months. Maggie and Nancy are growing also and so enjoying being together. Along with our three the make quite a sibling group!
Please never stop praying for us, we so depend on it. Also for the next steps for Tumaini Children’s Center. We must complete the perimeter wall, for safety and then begin on the homes for more children. I get so anxious sometimes with so many children needing homes. Just the other day a man came to make the financial assessment of the property for tax purposes, when he heard that what we were purposing for the property he said “ if you are interested in homeless children we have several in our neighborhood that we will bring you. That is just how it is here! We console ourselves with the knowledge that God knows where each child is and He knows which ones He has destined for here! We Praise Him that He is in charge and we do not have to worry about anything but being ready!
We love you dear family and we are praying for all of you that you would be listening and hearing what God wants to say to you this day! Be so abundantly blessed in His Glorious name! Love from the Leisters in Kenya.
