Finally a new post!

Hello blog family! We are truly here! We have been very buisy getting things in order here at our new home. We set up a new internet system, this does not change our address or anything just how we operate from here. It has been quite a month.
We have had a visit from Romanian friends that was just wonderful. We can not wait until they come again. They shared their love for chidlren with those we have here and encouraged us so much with their love for all of us and kenya.
Thom Seagren & Dean Miller arrived on the 19th of Sept. and left on the 24th. They were able to check out the new house and work on long term planning. We saw the vision we all have for the orphaned children here in kenya come to life on this property and expand to future plans for the Jui Kali propery, it was a exciting time.
Besides the fact that we just enjoyed haveing their company around our home. They got to meet and know the children we now have and to even visit chidlren we are looking at bringing to this home soon.
It was a quick trip but we were all so blessed. They brought us some pritty nice stuff too! The children got cloths & shoes & food & bottles & beautiful quilts...... Thank you everyone who helped with what was brought! we are always so greatful and we know that your return blessing will be great!
Time goes by so fast here. Everyday has new mercies just like God promises and we over come what ever tries to stand in our way of accompishing what God has assigned us to do.
We do have some new help Julia is a kenyan yourng women who comes 3 times a week and helps with the house and chidren. Also we have a German girl, Dannie, who comes once a week and volunteers with the chidlren. This has given me opportunity to get out a little more. I now am volunteering at the Referal Hospital Chidlren's Ward a couple of times a week. I enjoy being there but the help there have a very hard job! All I really do is pray and hold babies!
The room they have is donated by and organization from the states. All the chidlren in the ward that are healthy enough to get around go in and play with the toys and books that are donated. They have someone who does a short school program with them also. The babies that are there are abandoned and some toddlers also. We are hoping to beable to transfer a few of them here as soon as our DCO can do investigations and paper work on them. Our 1st one should be a little girl who was discardedin a dry latreen. The rats ate part of her arm off before someone found her! She is now about a month old. We know that God is incharge of who comes here so we are praying.
Horace & the guys worked hard on putting together a house plan for the house that is to be built on this property. It is so important that we get it up and get our registration as a CCI ( Chartiable Children's Institution )please pray, so many chidlren need homes and the Law does not really provide for us to do what we are doing on our own with out a license. Right now a Regestered home is covering us with their license. The DCO ( District Children's Officer) has put a limit of 8 children in the house we are living in. Along with our 3 will give us 11 we are almost at that now. I know that 11 sounds like plenty but each time I go to the hospital I want to help just one more.
Wow we are so thankful for all of your prayers, keep them comming , we are getting to do all that we ever hoped and dreamed of doing with our Lord and Savior for His Kingdom, Praise Him all day long!!! Be so blessed for all that you have already done to get us here and keep us going! In the mighty name of Jesus, Love the Leisters in Kenya
Thank you for taking the time to update your blog! I love reading your updates hearing about everything going on in your lives. I am continually amazed by the work that you do there, and pray that God continues to bless you and give you strength. Keep up the good work! God is doing amazing things through you!
Katrina Campbell
Hugs - jules