Lots of work getting done!

Dear Blog Family, surprise! I though we might get a short update done before the end of the month. One thing is sure around here, time goes by very fast. I think because we are so busy We can hardly believe we have lived IN our new home for 2 months and been in Kenya for a year, wow!!
Already this month we have received our newest baby. Her name is Brenda and she is 2 months old. She is very tiny and like all the abandoned babies we have met, she is a fighter. She was found abandoned in a latrine when she was just a few days old, her arm having been chewed up badly by rats is now healing nicely. She is so precious and everyone here has fallen in love with their new baby sister!
Horace and Marvin have been working hard to put up a pole building where Horace can fabricate much of what will be used in building the new children’s home. Which by the way is coming right along. Horace has talked with the building authorities and the DCO ( district children’s officer ) about the purposed plans and gotten an Ok to have them drawn up and submitted to the planning authorities. This is a great prayer concern the time issue. Please pray for this to go through swiftly!
Horace & Peter ( our day help ) have been fixing the wall on the high side of the property for security reasons and doing a lot of grounds work on existing plants and shrubs. Everything is looking so nice!! We have bananas and oranges and even a peach tree. We also have a couple of avocado trees.
Troyanna, Dannon and I with the help God has sent us, are busy in the house taking care of the now six Kenyan foster children we have in our home. We are so blessed to be given the opportunity to do God’s work with these children. Each has had a difficult start in this life but we feel that God has purposed them for such a time as this in their country of Kenya. He has put into them a will to survive and a tenacity to live that brings about such courage, it will someday change the desperate situation that children face here.
Our job with CWH will be to see that they get everything they need to grow up with enough love for God and themselves to accomplish the great things bound for their futures. If you have not become familiar with the organization that we represent here “Children With Hope”, please use the link on this page to learn about this great group of people that we share a vision with, for the children in Kenya.
Thank you for this months prayers already and the love we feel that comes from them! We love you all ! The Leisters in Kenya
Angela and Dustin here, you are in our prayers always and we are so grateful for the work that you are doing there. Angela and I hope to adopt children from Africa someday, and the case with Brenda has really put it in our hearts that someday needs to start now. How can we start this process, and is Brenda available for adoption? We still want to come visit next August, and need to really start planning that adventure. We have been attending Hope Chapel now for a while, and are really enjoying its atmosphere and people.
Bless all of you,
Dustin and Angela
Here is my email address if you have time to answer the questions I sent in the last message. dmcook@lcmail.lcsc.edu
Dustin Cook