Febuary Already!

Hello Blog Family! This is the month that most of the world including Kenya celebrates with red heart shapes and many other out word demonstrations of our earthly love!
I just want to Praise the Author & Creator of love, real love, perfect love, the Father's love! Unconditional love that reaches down to a depraved world that has totally rejected Him!
Because of this love He gave His only son as an offering for each and every person ever born on this earth to receive the full benefits of this overwhelming love! The Bible tells us that the Father has enlisted His Holy Spirit to pour out this love into our hearts as believers and receivers of His son Christ, with no measure!
Wow! We were trying to explain this to our 10 & 12 year old daughters, this Sunday morning when they again asked how we are able to love these babies so completely when we have just met some of them! You might think, "Babies are the easiest to love, they are so Innocent and lovable!" This is true but our daughters have seen the real side of God installed ministry! The 24/7 care that it takes to meet the needs of 8 children under the age of 2 that have felt total abandonment.
The overwhelming demand of those who have been deprived of loving arms and full bellies and now can have their fill. Each one having a different amount of time that it takes to understand, what is being offered has no limit and will not be taken away! Some take weeks some months and some it may never happen until, they understand the true provider and how endless His love is!
What we do is much more than us, as individuals and a family! We rely on God and His love alone, our earthly love ran out the 1st day we had to change 30 pairs of dirty diapers because no one was use to the amount of food we let them have! Our bad, we thought about that the next meal and monitored how much was being consumed! The endless nights of crys in the dark and the need for someone to reassure them that they have not been left alone,again! None of what we do would be possible with out the Father's unconditional love!
We pray that when you read this blog and see what is happening in this one house in this small part of the world you will not be impressed by us but by what God is doing through His love for Kenya and her children! We say what Paul said, None of this would be possible except through your prayers to the Father on our behalf!
Thank you all for your love for us and your continuing prayers! We feel them, as we experience the Father's love for each of the children He has blessed us to touch with His hands and comfort in His arms and speak into their small sweet ears His words of Love!
Have a great month of love, The Father' Love! May His mighty love cover you in all you do and may Holy Spirit pour out His love through you in many mighty ways! Please forgive me for quoting God's word in the Phyllis Leister para phase! Do not take my word that His says what I say it says, go look for these truths in the Gospels, Matthew - Mark - Luke & John and be so Blessed!
Everyone here are beautiful and doing great! They are growing and showing themselves to be marvelous works of art in the Father's hands! We have started the new house! It is so exciting! Soon Tumaini Chidlren's Center will be helping many more, Praise God! We have hired a new house person and she is wonderful too, a true gift from God! She has a awesome testimony, I will share it with you sometime! We had a great visit from Rachel's Mom & Dad, Bill & Jessie Schmidt in January! More about that when I get some more of the pictures. Again be blessed in all God does through you! Love the Leisters in kenya
What is the name of your new house help?
God really has blessed you with a lot of visitors over the last months. It will get you to August.