God is good all the time!

Praise God! Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the LORD always and again I say, Rejoice! God is so good all the time, dear Blog family! We pray that you are feeling His blessings in your lives as we are feeling it here at Tumaini Chidlren‘s Center!
It has been more than a good month, it has been a fantastic month filled with God’s Glorious supply in every area!! Philippians 4: 19, Colossians 2: 6-7 … abounding therein with thanksgiving. We have many things to give thanks for this month!
It has been another month of miracles. We have received much help and new friendships, we were introduced to 2 nurses from Germany who God placed here at Tumaini strategically. Sarah & Stephanie were here to step in for Mama Phyllis when I had a sever reaction to the antibiotic prescribed to me for a sinus infection. This sent me to the hospital for a 2 day stay.

Only our loving Heavenly Father could supply so completely with timing and perfect care for the children. Our whole family had been sick, what a time for mom to be absent but God provided them with 2 private nurses who already loved them like their mom to help nurse them back to health. Also we had the help of another long time friend from home, God supplied us with so generously for more than 2 months, Breanna Holben was such a blessing during this time and all the time she was in Kenya!

And actually the trip to the hospital probably saved mama Phyllis from worse because I was badly dehydrated and did not know it, I was given 5 liters of fluids in the 1st couple of hrs of my stay! Thank you God, you make good all things! What Satan ment for evil God has made so good!
Our house keeper Bea is the wife of a Pastor ( he is working with Horace on the house) and they are very good Pastors. Bea holds a meeting for the Mamas of her church and any that want to come from their neighborhood. I mentioned this meeting once before in this blog. This is the group that Bea was passing out tins to that brought about so many provisional miricles.
This mama’s group meets at each different home, each different week so that they all know how the other is doing in each situation. This month was Bea’s turn to host the group at her home. I invited her to have the meeting in our home. The Mama’s were so amazed that I would invite them to our home! Around 30 mamas and young women came, some with children.

Most had to pay for transport which took them a month to save. It was a wonderful time to be part of what they did, they sang songs of worship ( I wish I would have been appropriate for me to tape) and songs of Praise! They lifted their hands in thanksgiving for all that God does for them. They have so little material substance and many hardships
but they have God to depend on and they are so filled with Joy!
Most could not speak English so I had an interpreter for the preaching I was invited to do! I was still a bit weak from my stay in the hospital so my part was not as lively as they are use to but a Pastor’s wife who was my interpreter gave it all she had and it was great! After all was said and done we had Chi ( which is how they fix their tea with milk and sugar) and buttered bread. The meeting lasted 2 hrs, everyone stayed to help clean up then all left with a joy filled skip in their step! We were truly filled with love and thanksgiving poured out by the Holy Spirit! I hope to do it again soon!
The children are still struggling some with sickness, it is the time of the year, is what everyone here tells us! We do not accept that time table of expected sickness! Continue to pray for us in that area because we are desiring God’s good favor to be full & complete and we all live here at Tumaini Children’Center with perfect divine health!
The children continue to grow in the blessings of God no matter what! We have had several Birthdays this year Jewel turned 2 at the end of February, Sarah Ellen 1 on the 3rd of March and Gabriel Levi turned 1 year this month on the 16th!

Enoch is doing so well he is growing and talking and laughing, he is so happy and full of the Lords Blessing too! Our little Joyce with the cleft pallet & lip and heart condition is pray fully leaving for the states on the 30th of April to receive all the donated medical services it will take to repair it all, Praise God! She will be gone for many months but then she will return, how happy we are for her, again God’s provision is miraculous!

Dema got her hair done like the big girls, she was so good, it was about a 3hr process to have braids connected to her very short curly natural hair! She is so beautiful!

The new house is coming along so well! We have had provisional miracles in this area also! Each time it looked like the work would slow down or even have to stop, God would put it on someone’s heart to give more into seeing it completed!! God’s blessings are flowing! We took the children out to inspect the work and walk on the floor of what will be their new home, they thoroughly enjoyed it!

I also had the privilege of standing on the love of our Lord and Rock when we received the news that my Father, Richard Earl Bates, passed form this world into God’s Heavenly kingdom. I appreciated all the kind word, prayers and thoughts from many of you who were aware of his passing, thank you so much! I know that God will bless you for standing strong with us at this time.

The usual emotional response is one of great loss and I have felt lonesome for his company and great smile, his way of teasing me for my idealistic way of looking at life in general but I know for sure that I have not lost him! Neither of my parents ( my mother passed in 2007) are lost to my remaining family! In 2000 through God’s Grace, He allowed us to witness and participate in both of their salvation experiences complete with their baptism!! Praise God! As I began with, God is good all the time.
We love you all so much and we hope you enjoy hearing about what is going on here at Tumaini Children’s Center. Thank you for your continuing support and prayers! Love the Horace Leister Family in Kenya!