It is June already!

Dear Blog family, can you believe it is June 2009 already, Praise God for each and every day! Here at Tumaini Children’s Center we are busier than ever! This post will be an update adventure so buckle up and read away!
April 30th our little Joyce ( baby with cleft pallet and cleft lip along with a heart problem) flew to the US with a nurse friend to have open heart surgery just 5 days later. She came through the surgery amazingly and is now growing happily waiting for her next surgery that is to be done on her face. If all goes well she should be done with all and ready to return with us when we come back from our visit to the US in August.
She is staying with a young couple who visited Kenya in 2008 for his short residency. They met Joyce and decided they would go back to the States and find money to bring her there for what she needed. We want to thank the Zimmer’s again for all they have done along with the Rotary for Joyce.
In May we saw the exterior and interior walls go up on the new children’s home. We also were blessed with a brand new grand daughter in the Us. May 25th our daughter Brandi gave birth to Becca Capri Green. We are so happy, this makes 8 and the 2nd grandchild born while we were in Kenya so we are very excited to go and visit our growing family.
May 29th landed our first Children With Hope work team in Kenya. A team of 9 led by Shari Seagren the wife of Children with Hope’s President Thom Seagren and a board member herself arrived at Tumanini on Friday after taking a fast tour of Nakuru Game Park.
They had 12 days with us and they accomplished so much. Their objective was constructing the new house’s roof.
Trusses were measured, cut, treated, nailed together and lifted into place across the whole 75ft length of the house. Then came the blocking and nailings to screw the tin rood pieces to. There was tin roofing to be drilled for eventual screws and even some pieces put in place before they left. It was hard and tedious work at times, out in the hot Kenyan sun!
Along with Shari Seagren was another board member Shelly Daniels and then Kevin Freedson, Gideon Walker, Celeste Detwiler, Kristy Mercer, Corrie Noble and Jenn Pugh making up the whole fantastic team. When work slowed down outside and not so many hands could be used they would come inside to help lovingly diaper, feed and of course cuddle babies!
Thank you so much to the Children With Hope Team from Colorado, we appreciate you for your courage, selflessness and love that you showed all of us here at Tumaini Children’s Center, Eldoret Kenya! May God Bless you richly for this gift.
Along with work they also brought us so many needed things from the US. We just want to send our thanks & appreciation to everyone who donated these articles of clothing, bottles, diapers, food, blankets ex….. May God’s blessing be felt by all of you .
June 9th Horace & I flew to Nairobi to meet our youngest son Marvin James and his girl friend Chelan Babino for a 5 week visit. It was so great to see Marvin after his 6 month stay in the US. We also are enjoying Chelan who has felt for almost a year that she was to visit here. She feels that God may just be calling her to ministry here in Africa someday! Thank you God for calling the young and the young at heart to this continent where your heart is !
June 11th brought more great news and another reason to visit the US, our eldest Daughter Jessica Movius & her Husband Jeremy contacted us to give us the great news that our 9th grandchild Luken Robert Ray Movius had arrived safely.
Along with all the visitors and new arrivals in the family stateside we here at Tumaini are growing and thriving! Nancy turns 7 on the 20th of June ,she is very excited! Nancy is such a happy wonderful person. School goes well for her now that she has adjusted to the routine. Dema is growing and talking so well, she can say complete sentences in English and Kiswahili, not that everyone can always understand all of it but she is quite communicative. Toilet training is progressing. Dema will be 3 August 8th. At 2, Jewel is doing quite good at communicating herself, being such a little mother and very serious about how she takes care of all of us. We do wish we could get a few more smiles out of her but the ones we do get are priceless.
Maggie, at 2 years is walking now , hurrah!! She is so proud of herself for this accomplishment. Her left foot still has some difficulties coming along at times but she is so determined now that she knows she can do this! Sarah had her 1st birthday in March and Gabriel in April, they are quite the live wires and a lot like having twins. What one does not think of to do to keep us busy the other does, now that they are both walking on our toes is an understatement. Reuben 11 months is such a big boy, literally, he weighs about 30 lbs now and is taller than all the babies except Dema. Everyone says he was made to pl ay football, real football American style! All we know is that he is such a sweet little teddy bear and we love him so much. He is crawling and pulling himself up on everything, he will soon walk! Brenda is now 10months, she is so bright and she is crawling also. Her arm is doing so well! Infact miraculous! The damage done by the rats after being abandoned in an outdoor toilet would not even be noticeable if it were not for the hurried job done to stitch it back together. She is a miracle baby, but then all of them are! Their determination and fortitude always amazes us!!! God is so visible in their eyes and lives!
Now for and update on our precious Enoch! It is so amazing ( I use that word a lot don’t I) to see him grow and thrive like he has! His strength grows more and more everyday! His development is catching up quickly as he was probably delivered at least 5 weeks to soon! He eats like a small horse and is growing to match! He holds his head up very well and can be sat up on his own with help. All his motor skills seem to be working with out much delay and he is getting his 1st 2 teeth!
My right and left arms, Troyanna (12) & Dannon (10) are doing wonderful also. Growing and learning so much about what it takes to love like Jesus does, aren’t we all! What can we say for this incredible family of children God has put together but thank you Jesus you are who you say you are and we can only be who you say we are! Praise God!!!! So we all continue to grow in our faith and love for the children of Kenya and our God who loves us and them so well!
Thank you all in the biggest way for your support financially and prayerfully!! Horace & Phyllis leister in Kenya
You do realize that Luken's birthday is June 11th.