oops! What happened to the Leisters!

Joyce & Luken

Hello to all our Blog family! We are really still around,I can not tell you how excitedly busy we have been 1st on our trip to the US and then when we returned to Kenya!
1st I want to catch you up on our trip to the US! We had a great time with all our family and fiends, wow , it was fantastic! Visiting with many friends, sharing about what God is doing in Kenya at Tumaini Children's Center, holding & loving on our children and grandchildren exc... Thank God we can carry so many memories in our minds because we could never afford to pack them in anything else and bring them home to kenya!
The 1st week-end we were in town we shared at the Healing Room's Worship Center and shared with many friends & family about our life in Kenya. We had a great time and great food! Thank you everyone, it is always so important to us to share our experiences.
We then got to attend our newest grandson's ( Tekoa & Luken ) dedication at RiverCity Church again a great time of meet up with so many people we love there in the Lewiston Valley!
Horace and I decided that we would spend a couple of days just the two of us, so we went to one of our favorite spots in Idaho, Winchester Lake! We stayed in one of their " Yurts", if you do not know what this is I posted a picture. We had a great time mostly just sitting around and floating on the lake in a canoe! It was truly a gift and we are so happy we did it. Thank you Jessie & Bill for watching our girls and lending us a canoe!
The day before the wedding we decided to have a great adventure with our whole family! We had our family pictures taken! Wow what a adventure, there are 22 of us now and several 5 and under! The day began with rain and continued with pouring rain! I know I have already said this but Ange Movius took our pictures and she did such a fantastic job with what she had to work with! The day could not be changed because of every ones schedules! Thanks again Ange, you are truly a photographer!
Our daughter Brittney got married to Justin Derting on August 8th, 2009! It was an incredibly time! The ceremony and reception were held at our dear friends, the Holben's beautiful farm house!! What a glorious setting!
We want to put in a great big thank you to all that helped make this wedding so beautiful and run so smoothly! I do not know everyone so thank you those who were involved!
We are so proud of both Justin & Brittney, they are a wonderful Godly couple. What made the ceremony even more special was the officiating Pastor was none other than our son Joshua Leister all the way from kenya Africa. He did a great job and we all felt the presences of God the father looking over all, thank you Lord for being this close to us!
We were so blessed to see so many friends at the wedding that we would never have gotten to see other wise! Thank you everyone who came, so many from out of town even, our fiends Val Boyce and family and my sister Mariah and her son Brian and his family!
Our son Jacob Leister & his wife Randi, son Caedman & daughter Addison who we have not seen since she was 8 months old, came in from Kansas ( they moved there after we left in 2008) right before the wedding and we got to catch up on what God has been doing in their lives. They are doing so well where God has planted them we are very proud of them too!
We flew to Colorado and spent time eating!!! and speaking with our family there, the Seagrens! We had a great meeting with the board of Children With Hope and spoke one Sunday at River Of Life Church where we have been made to feel so much at home. We had a great meal with all our friends from the team who came in May & June to help with putting up the trusses and roof on the new house! Yea team hope to see you again here in kenya!
We got to pick up a very special someone and bring her back to Lewiston and then on to kenya with us! Joyce was waiting in Colorado at the Seagren's home for us! We were so happy to see her and witness for ourselves the miracles results of the surgeries that had been done while she was staying in the US since May 1st 2009. She is a changed girl, so full of life and her face is amazingly beautiful. We are so appreciative and blessed by those who were involved in all the care that she received during this time! Thank you again Rotary members, Doctors, Nurses, Crystal & Don Zimmer,everyone we love you and we will never let her forget who you are and what you have done in her life!
When we got back from Colorado we had only 10 days left to get ready to come home to Kenya! It was a fast and sometimes difficult time! Leaving is never easy! One of the funnest days that we had was with the Schmidt family at their family's favorite camping spot up the northfork of the clearwater river, it was so awsome!
Then there's the shopping then the packing and deciding what has to stay because of all the shopping!
We were so blessed by all the generosity that we received from all!! "Thank you' just never seems like enough! We love you all so much!
We spent as many hrs as we could with all our children & grandchildren but it is never enough!
We had time with our Marvin who we miss so much now that he is staying in the states to finish his last year of school and get ready for college! We got to visit a bit with our daughter Brandi and her two girls whom we had never met. They were both born while we were in Kenya, Shaelyn 13 months and Becca just 1 month old.
Our daughter Jessica & her husband Jeremy live there in Lewiston so we got to spend some great times swimming, shopping and catching up with their family! They are such a help to us here at Tumaini, Jess does all our personal states side financial work and a whole lot more! We are always tyring to get Jeremy over here so he can see how much he and his computer skills are needed here!
Well definately I will write again soon and fill you in on how it has been here in kenya since we have returned! Be so bless all of you and if you would like to see many pictures please visit us on Phyllis' Facebook account! Love you all the Leisters in kenya!