A Word from the Girls!

Habari, From Troy
This is me in my future room! Is'nt it beautiful?
It's a big room but I'm not going to have the room all to myself Iam
going to share it with Dannon which is alright with me because it is a rather
large room.

Here is Sarah and I with our bunny ears on. Sarah is so adorable, isn't she?
We each got a pair of bunny ears or flower crown for Easter, from a friend in Colorado. All of the girls like to dress up with them and it is so cute.

This bug was in the little girls room.
Sarah pointed at it and said "dudu" that means "bug" in kiswahili. It was some kind of large beattle. I took it outside and let it go. I wanted to keep it for
a pet but I knew how Mom would feel about this, not Ok!

I went to Josh and Rachels house in Kisumu with Mom,Dad,Three babies and Dannon.
It takes two and a half hours to get to kisumu. I had so much fun going there.

This is me and Gabe at a restaurant in Kisumu.
Gabe was being so funny when he put my hat on, is'nt he so cute?
Well, it's bye for now! Troy

Hello, it's me, Dannon
How are you?
I got this dress for Easter. I can wear it as a skirt too. It is one of my favorites!

We took Josh and his family home on Friday. We took them to lunch too.
And of course I had chicken nugget's, which I'm happy that they have here. They do not look like McDonald's but Oh,well!

My brother Josh and his family came to visit for a week or so.The 19th was Josh's birthday.We made him a chocolate peanutbutter pie.It was a winner, we all said.

I made this pie on my own. Rachel thought it was very good.
It's called Cinnamon pie crust, yummy.

We got a box a week after Easter. It had bunny ear's and flower head band's.
Here is a picture of Ruth and I. We all got something, Troy and I Love boxes.
Well that's all for now folk's! Dannon
I am loving having you share with us. Keep up the good work. I love you.