April Already!

This month begins with the 1st birthday of our precious Ruth! She is such a happy baby and so much enjoyed her day!!

We did not have to coax Ruth at all to enjoy her Birthday treat! She gummed it right down!

Each of the children have a plate with their name on it like this one! Aren't they beautiful!! The were designed and painted by 2 sisters who attend the Seagren's church in Grand Junction, CO. We use them for Birthday celebrations, they are perfect!

Thank you Shellie for the happy gift of flowers and bunny ears! Troy & Dannon want to use them as props for a skit they are doing with the children! We will let you know how it all turns out!


Troy & Reuben bunnies!

Two of our little Easter Flowers!

We had an opportunity to take some of the children to a small center set up with rural tribal home & animals, it was a great outing for all of us!

The children were so interested in the bunnies that they did not even notice this beautiful peacock, but I did!

The ostrich was so large but Gabe he just walked up to it and said " how you?" I grabbed him back just as he was going to put his little hand through the fence!

They were all so good! They were so amazed to see what they saw! The building in the back ground was where we got to see Kenyan snakes! We saw 2 black mambas, just like the ones that were killed here at Tumaini, they would not let us take any pictures, bummer!

Everyone had a great time!

We are getting there, the finish line is in sight!

Thank God for the years Horace spent at Guardian Heating in Lewiston, ID!

This is the side porch where eventually we will connect this house with the existing house to make one big one!!!

The ceilings was finished today! I hope to share pictures of the tile going in soon!

Praise be to God! Our work continues and is so blessed! We know that this is because of all those of you who have joined with us in your prayers to this great work here in Eldoret Kenya!! I know that I have said this many, many times but I will never say it enough!! Thank you everyone who join us here with all your support and prayers!! We love you all and lift you up from here! Horace, Phyllis, Troy & Dannon and everyone here at Tumaini Children's Center