Things are a changes all the time!
Our Month started out with a Birthday Celebration for Nancy & Maggie! They are doing well, their mother's sidewalk business is doing well and she is mostly healthy!

Horace & Phyllis got to have a great 35th Anniversary retreat in Kisumu with Josh,Rachel and Big Boy Tekoa! We really just relaxed, it was great!

This is where Josh goes to school in Kisumu Kenya. In a few weeks Josh will complete his 2nd term and in Sept. 2010 will begin his 3rd and last term to complete his Medical Officer Training! Please have Josh,Rachel,Tekoa and new baby in your prayers for what the future holds!

Our helper Malachi has been a great inside and out!

Sad but true Malachi will be leaving Kenya on the 23rd of June, he will be missed!

We are so excited we are with in a few weeks of house completion! All the tile is in and the appliances go in tomorrow, toilets,sinks,showers by the weekend!!!


Boaz, is the youngest of our 6 new arrivals!


After just 2 weeks our Brighton who could not sit or move his arms or legs with out help, is sitting up in the highchair and reaching for his food, almost getting it into his mouth! Praise God! He is so good!



Troy & Titus!

Dannon and Joey!

Our play yard is Happy!

We have a livly sitting room!

We have a full table!

We are so Blessed! Thank you everyone for you continuing prayer! We love you all so much and appreciate all that you do to support us so that we are able to be here working with our Lord Jesus! Be Blessed where ever you are! Love Horace, Phyllis,Troy, Dannon & and all of us here at Tumaini Chidlren's Center!

Horace & Phyllis got to have a great 35th Anniversary retreat in Kisumu with Josh,Rachel and Big Boy Tekoa! We really just relaxed, it was great!

This is where Josh goes to school in Kisumu Kenya. In a few weeks Josh will complete his 2nd term and in Sept. 2010 will begin his 3rd and last term to complete his Medical Officer Training! Please have Josh,Rachel,Tekoa and new baby in your prayers for what the future holds!

Our helper Malachi has been a great inside and out!

Sad but true Malachi will be leaving Kenya on the 23rd of June, he will be missed!

We are so excited we are with in a few weeks of house completion! All the tile is in and the appliances go in tomorrow, toilets,sinks,showers by the weekend!!!


Boaz, is the youngest of our 6 new arrivals!


After just 2 weeks our Brighton who could not sit or move his arms or legs with out help, is sitting up in the highchair and reaching for his food, almost getting it into his mouth! Praise God! He is so good!



Troy & Titus!

Dannon and Joey!

Our play yard is Happy!

We have a livly sitting room!

We have a full table!

We are so Blessed! Thank you everyone for you continuing prayer! We love you all so much and appreciate all that you do to support us so that we are able to be here working with our Lord Jesus! Be Blessed where ever you are! Love Horace, Phyllis,Troy, Dannon & and all of us here at Tumaini Chidlren's Center!