The Girls have alot to say!
Hello guess who? Your right, it's me, Dannon!
Malachi left the 23rd of June, we all miss him!
He was a great helper!

My Dad just had a Birthday, yea!
It is crazy at Birthday time here.
We bought a cake mix here, an American cake mix, pretty cool, right.
Only some of the kids like cake.

Isn't Sarah a cutie pie.
We had to make her say cheese, just to make her smile.
Troy took these pictures, she Love's to take pictures.
She is very good at it too, don't you think.

Bea Say's hi! And she is praying for all you.
Even if she does not know you,
oh and she Love's you too.
She is so funny!
I ask her, "what I should write next" and she's like, "well could you right about me?"
And I said, "ya I guess so."

Well that is all for now Folks!
Hi,this is Dannon and I in our room.
I love this room not because it's our room but because it's
a perfect size room for Dannon and I.

This is the hat I made for Joyce for her Birthday.
Do you like it? Iam getting better at crocheting, I even crocheted
two small blankets. Pretty cool right?

This is not a monkey but a baby baboon. If you held out your hand, it would shake it.
It was adorable. The other monkeys tried to pull
you in their cage.

This is me and Naomi, she is a helper with the babies
and such a great friend.
When ever she gets excited she always says "whoops" and its so

Bey for now!
Malachi left the 23rd of June, we all miss him!
He was a great helper!

My Dad just had a Birthday, yea!
It is crazy at Birthday time here.
We bought a cake mix here, an American cake mix, pretty cool, right.
Only some of the kids like cake.

Isn't Sarah a cutie pie.
We had to make her say cheese, just to make her smile.
Troy took these pictures, she Love's to take pictures.
She is very good at it too, don't you think.

Bea Say's hi! And she is praying for all you.
Even if she does not know you,
oh and she Love's you too.
She is so funny!
I ask her, "what I should write next" and she's like, "well could you right about me?"
And I said, "ya I guess so."

Well that is all for now Folks!
Hi,this is Dannon and I in our room.
I love this room not because it's our room but because it's
a perfect size room for Dannon and I.

This is the hat I made for Joyce for her Birthday.
Do you like it? Iam getting better at crocheting, I even crocheted
two small blankets. Pretty cool right?

This is not a monkey but a baby baboon. If you held out your hand, it would shake it.
It was adorable. The other monkeys tried to pull
you in their cage.

This is me and Naomi, she is a helper with the babies
and such a great friend.
When ever she gets excited she always says "whoops" and its so

Bey for now!
Keep up the good work, Troy and Dannon. I would love to see a good picture of the two of you standing side by side, head to toe. Ask Mom to take one.
Love you so much. It was great to talk with you the other day.