November was a busy month!
The month stared with a visit from a CWH Team from Colorado! Thom, Dean and a new friend Rebecca (from Philly). The 1st thing we did was take them for a visit to Mbale, where Josh's family are living! Troy has been there helping with new baby, Eliza! It was a big day but a good one!

We drove another 30kl and went to a outdoor resturant in Kisumu!

They visited out at the property in Jua Kali! Isac and his new house.

Rebecca supervising the slide!

The team was a great help! Thom with Boaz! We enjoyed their visit so much!

Dean with the children!

While the team from Colorado was here we had our offical Opening! It was a great event! We had about 30 people present. We provided a tour of our home and Tea with Cookies and samosas ( a meat filled pastery )! Thom Seagren the President of CWH was our 1st speaker. He shared all of our testimony on how the work in Kenya began!

Our dear friend and mentor John Green from Testimony Faith Homes, spoke some very nice things about Tumaini Children's Center and God's work here.

Dad & Mom Leister with the team from Colorado, CWH! Thank you for coming your visit was such a Blessing!

We had 2 birthdays in Nov. Mom Leister and Troy! Dad Leister took us to Iten, our favorite Mt. top resturant! Great food and View!

Dad here with Reuben, is'nt this a great view!

We surprised Troy on her Birthday by visiting her in Mbale with 2 of her friends!

The Birthday Piza that Rachel made in a outdoor charcol oven even! Yum!

Troy opening her gifts!

We are streching out as you can see! Our house and play area is getting big! We are very blessed to have such a great place, for the children to thrive!

Our Big room that has brought the two houses into one is nearly complete!

Horace welded all the windows this time and saved alot of money! He did a great job!

The outside is being plastered now!

The inside has been plastered and the floor will be poured next!

Here is a view of the front of the new room as it connects to the orginal house! As you can see Horace is putting up the secruity over the out door area! There will be a climbing flower vine that will grow up and over this, it will be beautiful!

Well I hope you enjoy seeing all that is happening here at Tumaini! We love all of you so much and can not say enough how much we Paise God for all of you who suppport us here! Blessings Horace & Phyllis, Troy,Dannon and all our children here

We drove another 30kl and went to a outdoor resturant in Kisumu!

They visited out at the property in Jua Kali! Isac and his new house.

Rebecca supervising the slide!

The team was a great help! Thom with Boaz! We enjoyed their visit so much!

Dean with the children!

While the team from Colorado was here we had our offical Opening! It was a great event! We had about 30 people present. We provided a tour of our home and Tea with Cookies and samosas ( a meat filled pastery )! Thom Seagren the President of CWH was our 1st speaker. He shared all of our testimony on how the work in Kenya began!

Our dear friend and mentor John Green from Testimony Faith Homes, spoke some very nice things about Tumaini Children's Center and God's work here.

Dad & Mom Leister with the team from Colorado, CWH! Thank you for coming your visit was such a Blessing!

We had 2 birthdays in Nov. Mom Leister and Troy! Dad Leister took us to Iten, our favorite Mt. top resturant! Great food and View!

Dad here with Reuben, is'nt this a great view!

We surprised Troy on her Birthday by visiting her in Mbale with 2 of her friends!

The Birthday Piza that Rachel made in a outdoor charcol oven even! Yum!

Troy opening her gifts!

We are streching out as you can see! Our house and play area is getting big! We are very blessed to have such a great place, for the children to thrive!

Our Big room that has brought the two houses into one is nearly complete!

Horace welded all the windows this time and saved alot of money! He did a great job!

The outside is being plastered now!

The inside has been plastered and the floor will be poured next!

Here is a view of the front of the new room as it connects to the orginal house! As you can see Horace is putting up the secruity over the out door area! There will be a climbing flower vine that will grow up and over this, it will be beautiful!

Well I hope you enjoy seeing all that is happening here at Tumaini! We love all of you so much and can not say enough how much we Paise God for all of you who suppport us here! Blessings Horace & Phyllis, Troy,Dannon and all our children here