A quick review of the last few months, sorry!
As I began this blog, I realized that I had never shown a picture of coming into our compound at Tumaini! Here are a couple of pictures to show what it looks like on the outside, going out of Tumaini. This will change soon because we are painting the gate and putting up a sign that will identify our home!

Looking down our street before turning into the gate!

Christmas 2010 was a great time! Praise God for all his goodness! Here we are celebrating with our Tumaini House staff!

The Josh Leister family were with us and we all went out to Jua Kali to celebrate with our farm families too!

January brought a visit from some of our great friends from home, Lewiston ID! We had a fantastic 4 days with them, we hope they come back soon! Thank you Barry, Rochell and Ehud!

We took them to our favorite mountain retreat, Iten! We had a great meal and spacial time together.

The 1st Week end in Febuary began our 6 month course in Child Development & Behavour that I am teaching for our Tumaini Staff! They are all very excited to recieve their Certificates at the end but I have shown them they will have to work for them. Here they are taking their 1st of 6 exams going over the material already presented.

The last week in January we opened our Shining Light PreSchool. This is a picture of my kenyan teachers aid and the class. We began with a kenyan teacher but it did not work out so I have been filling in as teacher until we can get a new one. It is so much fun! We are all learning Kiswahili and all sorts of things.

We have celebrated both Jewel's and Sarah's Birthdays at school! This is Sarah's 3rd Birthday!

Jewels Birthday #4!

Center activities!

Role playing, they love so much to dress up and cook chia and supper!

On February 11, we went to the Children's Court and requested that all the children here at Tumaini be registered in our name! This is now possible because we are now offically a registered CCI with the Kenyan Goverment. Our wonderful friend Mr. John Green of Testimony Faith Homes has lent us his status as a registered CCI for almost 3 years now and made it possible under the Kenyan law for us to have the children tht we now have. He was there that day to give permission for this exchange to take place. We thank him and his wife Esther for all the time,energy,love and support they have given and continue to give us here at Tumaini.

February 4th we received twin girls 5 weeks old! Elizabeth & Esther! They are so beautiful.

Here they are growing and thriving at 2 months.

Let me take you on a tour of how things have changed building wise here at our hom " Tumaini Children's Home!

Outdoor view of how the Big room connects to the original house form the side yard between houses.

Connection of Big Room to New House,view from upstairs.

This is how the New House connects with the Big Room, inside view! It is all metal frames and glass and will have a poured cement floor. Horace has made it secure all the way through so that we can go from one house to the other as if it is one home! It is so awsome!

This is how the Big Room connects to the New House, outside veiw. There is a door that comes out right here.

Inside the Big Room! It has taken a bit longer than expected, with Horace doing most of the work but it is really almost done! It is going to be such a wonderful addition to our home! The children will have a great place to play out of the hot sun and the pouring rain when they need it. Also it will provide a place for meetings like Church,School activities, Annual Society meeting and other large gatherings we are truly Praising God for what opportunities this room will open up!

Walking in the door of the Big Room from the Salarium.

Here is Horace walking from the orginal house porch into the Salarium, straight across is the door going into the Big Room, just to give you an idea of porportions ( how big the area is ).

I have just taken another 1/4 turn and am now looking at the other end of the Salarium and the gate that now goes out into the yard between houses!

I now have my back to the door to the Big Room and you can see into the porch of the original house.

This is inside the Salarium area before walking into the Big Room! It will be a nice place to get out of the sun! We plan to have plants & flowers about! Unfortunately we will have to keep our eyes out for snakes who are seeking the same fomfort! Peter and Horace found one the other morning! It was harmless , just a house snake but still makes you jump! Gabe wanted to keep it and carry it around dead! Mom said " no! "

Looking straight at the Big Room and outdoor Salarium connected to the original house! Someday there will be something green growing up from the conner and ove the metal security cage on top!

Here is a pictures from the entrance gate in. First the original house with the new Big Room then the new house! I must brag on Horace and the two men ( Peter & Frances ) they have done a fantastic Job. Horace has done all the metal working that you see, each peice welded.

This is looking straith at the New House from the play yard! Our roses are doing so well! Like the children thriving!

Here is a picture looking from the back to the front!

Again we are Praising God for all of you who make this awsome work of God possible with you prayer, love and support! Be so blessed! Love the Horace Leister Family in Kenya!!!

Looking down our street before turning into the gate!

Christmas 2010 was a great time! Praise God for all his goodness! Here we are celebrating with our Tumaini House staff!

The Josh Leister family were with us and we all went out to Jua Kali to celebrate with our farm families too!

January brought a visit from some of our great friends from home, Lewiston ID! We had a fantastic 4 days with them, we hope they come back soon! Thank you Barry, Rochell and Ehud!

We took them to our favorite mountain retreat, Iten! We had a great meal and spacial time together.

The 1st Week end in Febuary began our 6 month course in Child Development & Behavour that I am teaching for our Tumaini Staff! They are all very excited to recieve their Certificates at the end but I have shown them they will have to work for them. Here they are taking their 1st of 6 exams going over the material already presented.

The last week in January we opened our Shining Light PreSchool. This is a picture of my kenyan teachers aid and the class. We began with a kenyan teacher but it did not work out so I have been filling in as teacher until we can get a new one. It is so much fun! We are all learning Kiswahili and all sorts of things.

We have celebrated both Jewel's and Sarah's Birthdays at school! This is Sarah's 3rd Birthday!

Jewels Birthday #4!

Center activities!

Role playing, they love so much to dress up and cook chia and supper!

On February 11, we went to the Children's Court and requested that all the children here at Tumaini be registered in our name! This is now possible because we are now offically a registered CCI with the Kenyan Goverment. Our wonderful friend Mr. John Green of Testimony Faith Homes has lent us his status as a registered CCI for almost 3 years now and made it possible under the Kenyan law for us to have the children tht we now have. He was there that day to give permission for this exchange to take place. We thank him and his wife Esther for all the time,energy,love and support they have given and continue to give us here at Tumaini.

February 4th we received twin girls 5 weeks old! Elizabeth & Esther! They are so beautiful.

Here they are growing and thriving at 2 months.

Let me take you on a tour of how things have changed building wise here at our hom " Tumaini Children's Home!

Outdoor view of how the Big room connects to the original house form the side yard between houses.

Connection of Big Room to New House,view from upstairs.

This is how the New House connects with the Big Room, inside view! It is all metal frames and glass and will have a poured cement floor. Horace has made it secure all the way through so that we can go from one house to the other as if it is one home! It is so awsome!

This is how the Big Room connects to the New House, outside veiw. There is a door that comes out right here.

Inside the Big Room! It has taken a bit longer than expected, with Horace doing most of the work but it is really almost done! It is going to be such a wonderful addition to our home! The children will have a great place to play out of the hot sun and the pouring rain when they need it. Also it will provide a place for meetings like Church,School activities, Annual Society meeting and other large gatherings we are truly Praising God for what opportunities this room will open up!

Walking in the door of the Big Room from the Salarium.

Here is Horace walking from the orginal house porch into the Salarium, straight across is the door going into the Big Room, just to give you an idea of porportions ( how big the area is ).

I have just taken another 1/4 turn and am now looking at the other end of the Salarium and the gate that now goes out into the yard between houses!

I now have my back to the door to the Big Room and you can see into the porch of the original house.

This is inside the Salarium area before walking into the Big Room! It will be a nice place to get out of the sun! We plan to have plants & flowers about! Unfortunately we will have to keep our eyes out for snakes who are seeking the same fomfort! Peter and Horace found one the other morning! It was harmless , just a house snake but still makes you jump! Gabe wanted to keep it and carry it around dead! Mom said " no! "

Looking straight at the Big Room and outdoor Salarium connected to the original house! Someday there will be something green growing up from the conner and ove the metal security cage on top!

Here is a pictures from the entrance gate in. First the original house with the new Big Room then the new house! I must brag on Horace and the two men ( Peter & Frances ) they have done a fantastic Job. Horace has done all the metal working that you see, each peice welded.

This is looking straith at the New House from the play yard! Our roses are doing so well! Like the children thriving!

Here is a picture looking from the back to the front!

Again we are Praising God for all of you who make this awsome work of God possible with you prayer, love and support! Be so blessed! Love the Horace Leister Family in Kenya!!!