Flow River Flow!

Lately I have been looking into my life and crying out for the reality of Heaven to manifest! I guess I pictured the windows of Heaven opening and Angels ( which the children have seen ) and visions like the book of John.  Instead God has been teaching me very simply with His most wonderful Presence the reality of His love, the very nature, atmosphere and currency of Heaven, God's unlimited, unfathomable, undeniable ever flowing LOVE!

Children understand this unexplainable Love of God! They are Heaven's perfect conduits!  Jesus said " Let the children come "  I believe there was something going on here ( Mark 10:14) that the Father
recently revealed to me!  Jesus was weary and again he had given all of himself that day to a dry and thirsty world, He was maybe parched for His Heavenly Home. In front of him was God's river of Love rushing towards him.  All of a sudden, arms were thrown out to stop this wave of God's unconditional love, with good intentions of course, the disciples wanted to protect Jesus from the uncontrollable enthusiasm of children.  They get so excited and unorthodox, they jump, squeal, shout, hug tightly even kick and scream, it is just to overwhelming and needs to be held back a bit until they mature and know better how to conduct themselves properly with Jesus!

But Jesus said " don't stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these!"  Blessings were released that day because the reality of Heaven was flowing through the children, their hearts innocently and fully releasing the river!
Jesus said " Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom as a little child will by no means enter it. And He took them up into His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them."

  Oh, Lord Jesus thank you so much for the reality of Heaven that surrounds me  here at Tumaini each and everyday!  It doesn't always look like I expect it to but my thirst can always be quenched by opening my arms and receiving it from the children, as You did while you was here!

Let the river flow .......


Thank you with all our hearts for the Love and support you Bless our Home and Family with to make all of this possible!  We pray that you let the river flow into your lives and to others and are so blessed!  Love from all of us here at Tumaini Children's Home!  www.tchkenya.com


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