Once apon a " Big Nose Cesar " Treasure Hunt!
Once apon a time Tumaini had the 6 week pleasure of an Intern named Cesar! He is from Brazil and we have been so blessed by his willingness and courage to serve! He came to Kenya to help with computers and instead he was placed at Tumain where there are not so many computers but very many livley children! This is his story at Tumaini and our appreciaton!
This is Cesar.
Cesar learnt quickly how much the children here at Tumaini love to play games. He taught them Checkers, Snakes and Ladders, Princess Bingo and even played some Candy Land with them.
We have had a lot of rain in the later part of April and most of the way through May, so many of the games were indoor games but then the Sun came out and they had the opportunity to play outdoors as well.
I did not get a picture of Cesar in these but here are Reuben, Joel & Ruth getting it to the other end of the field.
and Debby making her move!
Look at these smiles!
One day Cesar decided he would teach all the children how to make paper baloons like the children do in Brazil.
He showed us how to hang them in our sitting room all together to Celebrate what a great country Kenya is!
One day way to soon Cesar said " well it has been fun but it is time for me to go!" We decided this was a good time to celebrate all the good times we had together so we had cookies and we all layed hands on Cesar and prayed!
Cesar is gone but he left us one last game! We went looking for the " Big Nose Cesar Treasure" it was so much fun! Thank you Cesar and Thank you Father God for Blessing us with such a loving, courageous friend as Cesar from Brazil!
We started our treasure hunt in the sitting room with a small white box and Cesar's stool......
....... Dad helped us put the treasure map together and we searched through the house and yard following the clues until we ended with a note congradulating us on our finding the treasure .......
.....it was with Mom all the time!
We really enjoyed the game and the treasure was yummy!
We each got a personal note from Cesar that encouraged us to continue being who God had made us to be. We will not forget you Cesar, you are the real treasure!
Tumaini has had the blessing and pleasure to receive International Interns through a program at Moi University here in Eldoret. These Interns come at their own expense and help at anything we need them to do at no charge to Tumaini. What a blessing to have an extra pair of hands and to be able to learn so much about the world right in our home. So far we have had 2 from Germany, 1 from China and 1 from Brazil. We Praise God for such an opportunity to teach the children at Tumaini so much and to reach out and share our hearts for Jesus with the world. Thank you again everyone reading this blog who help support and make this ministry possible! In God's Great Love