Dear Friends and Family of Tumaini Children’s Home.
This is a year of change for all of us here at Tumaini and travel plans for Dad, Mom, Troy and Dannon. This is the year our Big Sister Troyanna returns to the US to pursue what God has in mind for her, this will change all of our lives greatly.
Leaving our family here at Tumaini is hard for everyone. Not only is it hard emotionally but also financially!
We truly need your help dear friends and family! Our travels will begin in April, some friends have given Horace, Phyllis, Troy and Dannon a fully paid vacation trip for 9 days beginning on the 20th, so that we can spend some quality time together before Troy leaves. What a wonderful Blessing!
Then at the end of May we will begin our trip to the US for 6 weeks. Travel is expensive in it’s self but leaving our home here compounds the regular expenses because we will have to pay many in advance or leave stored. We are hoping God will lead you to help us at this time with both areas, emotion and finance!
Please pray for security and safety here at our home and a overwhelming trust in God’s love and provision for our children and workers while we are away.
Pray that Josh and Rachel will have peace and safety at there house while they Supervise our house.
Pray that all the financial needs will be met while we are away for both houses.
Pray that the four of us traveling Leisters will have safety coming and going. We are sure you have heard Kenya is a main target right now for terrorism and our roads are unsafe.
While you are praying we hope you will consider giving into these areas of need for the next two months before we travel to the US.
House Lease must be paid three months in advance: $2100
Utilities must be paid in advance: Electricity $250 per month ( $750 ) Water $ 150 ( for three months )
Wages: We have added 2 new employees to our staff to cover us leaving and will be paying overtime to all the rest! This will bring our monthly wages up to $1200 each month.
Cleaning supplies ( hand and bathing soap, cloths washing soap, dish soap and other cleaners ) $50
Medicines : $100
Fuel: $200
Food stores must be filled before leaving: bag of beans (50 kg ) $90, bag of Maze ( 50 kg ) $100, rice ( 50 kg ) $ 60, Kuku ( chickens ) $50
Per week stores; Milk $ 35 , Bread $15, Fruit and vegetable market $25, mis. $25, dog food ( these guys are our security system ) $35,
Also Dad Horace has been having some extensive extremely needed dental work done, it is costing more than we had expected. It will cost around $400 more.
There are 3 different ways you can get us needed funds;
Paypal link on website
Jessica Movius : mailing address for those wanting to send checks to be directly deposited into our Tumaini Bank account
12558 Evans Road
Genesee ID 83832
Hope Chapel, our home church for those who need a giving receipt, Link on website
We can not tell you how much all of you mean to us here! You are the hearts and hands of Jesus that make Tumaini Home possible. Our home is not only a blessing to our children but is also making such a difference in the lives and families of those who work with us and others who are supported in so many ways. We look into all these precious faces each day and know that God has something very special in mind for all their lives that we are honoured to share and help cultivate. Thank you for your love and support for all of us!
In God’s Great Love;
Horace, Phyllis, Troy, Dannon and everyone here at Tumaini ( Hope )