What an amazing life we get to live!

This is the new Home of Tumaini Children still in progress! We are so grateful for all the donations of work hrs, finances and prayer that have come in to see our children get a new home. Please continue to pray, we are only half done,and we still have our deadlines. 
God has given us so much Grace, instead of May being the deadline to have our registration completed ( meaning we must be all moved in ) we have until Sept. But each month we pay huge lease payments and the elections are coming in August. We really do need to get the house finished! But again God provides each and every month because of your prayers, we know this is why! Please continue to Pray!

We are so blessed with the life we live here! Tumaini children are no different from any other children, they have their up and down days but all in all the joy, laughter and just plain goodness that our family has is amazing. We continue to Praise God for it all! Thank you for  being  part of God's work here in Kenya.

This is our current home. We are all enjoying Sunday Morning worship, we are not all present! The sittiing room where we will hold our Sunday Morning Worship will be 4 times this size! What does God say " strech out your tent pegs!" Amen

This is a view of the house from what will be the patio between the boys wing on the right and Dad and Mom's room on the left.  As you look through the windows on the right, you can see the window into the kitchen where all my help during meal prep can stand and talk to mom and at the other end where the door in from patio is, you can see into the dinning room and throught to the fireplace in the sitting room

While our friends were in kenya helping Horace we had a opportunity to drive up to Kapswar ( 2 1/2 hr drive ) and visit the Josh Leister family.

Josh standing in the end of our sitting room faceing the dining room.

Josh, Rachel and family with our foreman Pastor Nim before the trusses were assembled and placed.

This is what the trusses looked like before our visitors helped put them togehter and up on the walls.

Danny and Sharon wondering around in their new library area at the end of the sitting room.

Our shamba ( garden ) area has been keeping our kitchen full of veggies.

This is our prayer garden area, remember how it looks now in the dry because you will not believe what happens to it as soon as the rain hits, soon we pray.

Gael standing in her soon to be finished bedroom, we pray! It looks right out to the pay area donated by some generous people in Florida and built by some other very generous people in the UK. God is good we are forsure a Interntional family.

and then the rest of life goes on too! We got to spend out Easter week-end with our Kapswar Leisters having a great out door picnic!

Dad Leister retieving a few back to the picnic!

Our babies are not babies anymore, thier the sweetest little boys!

Dannon and her boys!

And then there is our big boy Gabe!

Here are our soon to be 5 year olds, even the serious one!

Ruth and Eliza.

It was an all around fun day for this big happy family!

Here is a big see you next blog from big sister Sarah and Gael and Gideon!

We love you all so much!  God's huge blessings from all of us here at Tumaini!
contact us at: hpleister@gmail.com or
www.tchkenya.com  www.familykeysint.com 


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