Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From Kenya

Hello everyone, loving us through this season! We so appreciate it! This was a very different Christmas, no doubt! We struggled with diverse situations, thoughts and traditional exspectations. I thought I would begin this with being transpartent and open! Ok, now, Was it good? Yes it was a good time we all grew and were tought what Christmas is all about. We heard a sermon given at the Children's Church we have been attending. It was on God's Goverment coming to earth in the life of His son manafested in a human baby. The Pastor asked them " where is heaven?" all together they yell "in our hearts" basicly they were tought they have all they need in Jesus and they can depend on Him for all they ask of Him. The sermon so touched me and how it was recieved, tought me so much. The Pastor gave a 25 min message and then we helped hand out juice and cookies, twenty cups at atime because thats all they had. There were 120 children there, they sat and waite...