More Pictures

Hi again, my inter net connection went down before I got to finish! While we were at the Children's church dedication, the Austrailan man came over to Phyllis with a litle boy who had a hurt neck. We prayed a simple prayer and later he was boasting his neck was all better, Praise God he uses just us simple people!

The mountain pictures are the view from the view point lodge and the lodge itself! Kenya is such a beatiful country!


Hi all!!! We love and miss you very much. It is like a rollercoater ride of emotions when we read your blog. We are so excited to read and see the exciting ways God is using you in Kenya. It is mind boggling to think of the many thousands of children who are orphaned in your district alone. We continue to hold you up and prayer and stand with you in spirit. Thanks for inspiring so many of us to strive to live out the purpose God has for our lives. Many, many blessings. Love, The Sinner Family
Kristi O said…
Thanks for keeping up with your blog. Its amazing to hear of the visits you are doing and people are you meeting. God is indeed good. We will pray and hope to keep in touch thru your blog. Tell Rachel hi from Savannah and if there was a way to get Savan to the wedding she would find it. She is just way too excited for Rachel and Josh

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