Tumaini Children' Center going forward

Hi everyone!
We are feeling so excited about things moving right along here! Horace and Marvin have been out configuring the building site area. The above picture shows Marv and others looking at where the 1st homes will be buildt. Just tho the right of them where the van is parked will be the site of the Addministrators house ( ours for now ). The other picture shows Rachel & Marv with a group of chidren who showed up to play games and sing songs!
Tumaini ( hope in swahili) Children's Center ( this is what we are called in Kenya ) is now registered with the District Forum that meets evey month to go over the laws and needs of Children's Homes here in Eldoret. I think we wrote you about this Forum earlier. There are 45 or so childrens organizations registered, this makes a group to listen to. Horace and I are attending 3days of workshops this week that the Forum is sponcering to help better prepare others for setting up Children's Homes and Rescue Centers. They have invited some Dr.s and other professional Childrens Workers to come from UCLA that will teach on subjects like Aids, Malaria and other related issues. There will be local Pro.people involved also. We are excited about all we can learn from these people and share with others. This is all taking place inside a Christian Based organization so prayer and thanksgiving to our Lord and Saviour is included, is'nt that awsome!
We have been notified by CWH that a church from Michigan are offering to raise money and come dig the wells that will be needed. This is such a blessing and we are looking forward to working with these people. The electricity is on hold still until the last title is signed by the land com. person which we are told sould happen here soon, keep those prayers coming! The building materials are coming into line and it looks like we will be using rock it sounds like the cheapest. There is a man here who puts up steel truses and roof sturcture fairly quickly and does a good job. When this is up they then put up walls and such under it, it keeps the rain off. Horace is so ready to begin building and go to work, the outside of the rental we live in has probubly never looked so well.
We are getting ready for the Christmas season around here just like over on that side of the world. It just looks a bit different here than we are use to. We went out to find something that looked like a Christmas tree ( most people who have them buy fake ones )we wanted one that looked african, well we found some, picture included. Really when it was all up we kind of like what it looks like. We have been discussing the reason we even celebrate this time of year. We are hoping to give out some of that gift to our neighbors, the gift of Jesus'love. We have a real opportunity to turn their thoughts about how americans see Christmas around. We are going to spend some time with the Pastors who minister to the street children and hope to hand out alot of hugs and some other goodies too!
Marvin & Rachel went to a real Kenyan wedding earlier ths week ( We were all invited,I was still not feeling well) there were 3500 people in attendance. Some goverment officals and people running for office. Marvin & Rachel were given priority seating on a platform where they could see everyone. They had a great time but it was all in swahili and 8 hrs long. After the wedding the people who are running for office got to get up and give their speaches, it became very excited and some got violent because both sides were represented. Kenyans are very passonate about politics! Please continue to pray about the elections here the 29th of December. There have already been a few deaths! We have been warned not to become part of a croud. The churchs here are all praying for this to be the year where no violence accures. Pray with us for that too!
I will send more pictures and write again before Christmas. We are praying for all of you Christmas Celebrations to be blessed! We have such thankful hearts that you are all with us in this God project. Keep the prayers coming they are surly keeping God's face towards us! Our prayers are for you and our love too! Love the Leisters in Kenya