Home again in Kenya!

Hi Blog Family! Well we had a great time in the states, thank you all who supported us financially and in prayer! We got to see many of you and those we did not get to see we will make it a priority next time.
Here is a picture of the Leister clan celebrating Jacobs graduation in the states! The only ones missing were Josh & Rachel still in kenya. Here also is a picture of our 2 new members of the clan in kenya.
Kenya is in the heart of God have no doubt we have none! Things are not settled here yet, we are still seeing the affects of what has already happened and hearing new threats that there is violence still to come. But God is good all the time and His purposes will be accomplished.
As we have already said in the last blog, the Children with Hope board have received the vision to purchase a house in Eldoret Town to start the work of Tumaini Children’s Home, we are so excited!
We hit the ground running when we returned on the 1st of May. Before the week was over we had received our two foster babies. Our girls Troyanna & Dannon are very pleased, their arms are being filled with children ,that is why they are here, Praise God for their giving hearts.
Horace has been very pleased with the progress in work done out on the Children of Hope property. There is maze & beans now planted along with barbed wire fencesbing put into place . The Blue Gum trees and fruit trees also vegies will be planted when our good rains get here ( June, July, August). We have a full time farmer and an assistant with their families living out there, God’s faithfulness is awesome.
God’s plans are always the best, the property will be such a blessed resource to the home here in town and also continue to be a potential building site for the expansion of Tumaini Children’s Home.
Horace has quoted Roman’s 8 often in our opportunities to speak with people “ God works all things for good , for those who love & obey Him” and through everything that has happened we know how He accomplishes His best is with the prayers of His saints.
It is so important that we are listening to the voice of God to tell us what He is doing and what our part is, we so appreciate all of you who are praying for us and keeping Gods good plans where we can see and hear them.
One of the things we truly need prayer for is who we take as children in our home at this time. It has always been my heart ( Phyllis) to rescue and nurture babies, there are so many here now that need exactly that. Pray that we hear God on who and how many.
Also all of us on the board of Children With Hope need prayer to see and know the exact house God would have us begin Tumaini Children’s Home in.
That the purchase moneys would be there when they are needed and that financial support for the on going business of the home would continue and increase. We are depending on God for all of this, not man, that is why we are asking for your prayers. As Horace says “ God’s will, God’s Bill” no problem.
I wish I could have taken pictures for all of you to see yesterday ( May 8 ) we had to take baby Sarah to her 1st clinic check. This is where they give her ,her name, until then she is only referred to as abandoned baby girl. God is so good, when they wrote her name down she looked up at us with a big smile, like she knew what was taking place. What a gift it is to be here, doing this work.
The clinic was a small series of plastered buildings hooked together all surrounded by grass and dirt, a ditch in front to let the excess water flow by. The doors and window covers are wood and wide open, there was wood benches out in front to sit on. The whole place has not been painted since the 6os but this is Africa.
When she was weighed, we just stood around a large wooden table with several other moms and undressed our children as the nurse took them one by one and laid they on a single metal ( with no covering ) scale. If you did not know their exact age, as we did not, they just wrote down approximate. We went into the next tiny room and all the vaccinations were sitting in a box on a small wood table waiting for their dispsersment. I tell you , I have done a 100 well baby checks with past foster children, this was a whole new experience. You got to love how hard they try with what they are given.
Sarah, was given a few meds that we picked up at the next small plastered building and then we were on our way. This only took 3 hrs ( that part felt just like the states ). With the medication she does not cough as much and so is sleeping better. I look around and wonder why us! It is such a privilege to serve our God with these people just doing what we always did in the states, go figure!
Well, I am sorry this took as long as it did to get out, I will try to be more punctual. I know that it is hard to pray with out updated news. May God bless all of you! You are all in our prayers and our hearts, so you are here with us. The Horace Leister family here in Kenya