An Eventful February

We greet you with joy and smiles! Joyce is so happy with her ability to walk and stand on her own two feet!






February brings the 3rd birthday of our beatiful Jerusalem Jewel!

We have just finished celebrating our beatiful Jerusalem Jewel's 3rd birthday!

We had a great time making our Valentines! Thank you all who sent us the cutters,candies to decorate with and cookie dough recipt.

Flour is a main ingredient in the art of having fun baking cookies!

The day was very much enjoyed!

Our life here is no different than anywhere when working with children , sometimes bittersweet! This month it has been just that in seeing two of our girls reunited wih their mother. This is a picture of Nancy,Alice( their mother)& Maggie. We are in constant contact and they are doing very well.

Ruth is growing so fast, she is beginning to crawl!

We had a great visit with the Kisumu Leisters and the Schmidt family! Unfortunately all the pictures except this one of our grandson Tekoa did not turn out! I will be sure to get copies of those taken by others and share them later.

Enoch finally got 2 teeth at once!

We have had our share of rain and so we get few days out in the sun but when we do everyone enjoys playing! This is one of the young women who help with Children, Jaclyn.

A few days of sunshine are very much appreciated! This is our other childcare helper, Neomi.

Here we are taking our daily tour of the new house! The children are always so thrilled to run around and talk about who's room is who's!

We have attempted to take another Tumaini Family Picture! This demonstrates how quickly the children are growing and the fact that this is deffinatly not an easy task!
Hello dear blog Faimly! We hope you have enjoyed catching up with us! We continue to than God for all of you who we depend on for your prayer support!