Happy New Year 2010

This new year will see the new house project finished and in good use. These are the masons putting on the hardcast ( stucko type finish ). We are very anxious to have the house finished we will definately appreciate the room it will give all our growing family and the opportunity to bring in more

As you can see we need it! Our existing dinning room is getting quite small for everyone. Here we are missing 3 children and Dannon, Horace and myself.

Here is an inside shot down the east hall toward Troy's and the children's bedrooms and baths. The inside plastering are all done but we must wait 30 days until we can paint.

Looking out from the kitchen into the dinning on the left and the sitting on the right.

West wall of the sitting into the dinning. During drying time Horace will place cabnets and plumming and electric.

The end of the house with just the plaster and bands on.

The back of the house with just plaster and bands. This is before the hard cast.

This is the house with all the hard cast ( stucko type finish ) the dye is a forest shade of green. As soon as the house is fully dried the bands and around the windows will be a dark glossy grean and the window sills will be white. It will look so well!

We decided that the weather was warm enough for our 1st swim day! Some could not wait until the pool was ready!

Swimming Day! We found out though that we have to watch how quickly they get cooled off! We had a couple get scarry cold before we got them changed and warmed up agin. The hot sun can fool you into thinking the air is hot also and at times it can be down right cool.

They were so qute in their swim cloths!

Dad Horace's new project for the children! A great addition for our small back play yard.

Having fun on their new slide!

When we were warned the city might being rationing water Horace set up a tank system to catch rain water!

Troy going in to help Dad with his tank project! Horace had the girls help put the spouts in, to get the water out.

Troy coming out!

Dannon as Dad's tank helper! The rains did come late but they filled all three of these tanks and probubly would have filled three more.
We are so looking forward to this bright new year! Many things that have been in the building process will be complete and ready to serve the purposes that God has set in motion for Tumaini Children's Center. Thank's to all who have prayed and shared that we might see accomplished what God has in His heart for all of us here. May God rain his blessings down for everyone concered. Keep us in your prayers and stay connected our dear family. Love the Leister's in Kenya