Hello to all our Family & Friends! God Bless you, from all of us at Tumaini Children's Center!

We were able to begin visits at the hospital again and see all our old and new friends! We met some very beautiful children we are hoping to bring to Tumaini and give them a permenant home! Please pray!



Troy & Dannon with the 2 small infants we met, Boaz & Judah!



Malachi and Phebe!



BaBa ( Father or Dad in kiswahili) Horace with Brighton at the hospital!

Horace poured the counter for the new kitchen last week and now the tiler's are moving from finishing of the baths to starting on the kitchen, yeah!!! It is getting done!

These are are the tiles for the kitchen. The big green one is for the counters! Sorry I forgot to add the floor tile, it is a shade or 2 darker copper than the wall tile, it will be a beautiful kitchen, the kenyans are so excited!

We have 5 baths in the new house and they are all tiled, Praise God! This is the guest bath, is'nt it beautiful?

This is the green bath that is connected with the bedroom Troy & Dannon will share!

This is the girls pink bath, again so beautiful! Fixtures will go in soon, they will be pink too!

Horace and Malachi sorting out the steel for welding the encloser on the porch! We have had such a great time with Malachi, he is a wonderful helper and friend! It will be so hard to say goodbey in June.

This month marked the Celebration of our dear friend John Green's 70th Birthday! We had the privilege of attending a Party his family gave! It was a great time of good food, good friends and good memories! Thank you to the Green family for inviting us! We pray for many more retuning celebrations like this one for a wonderful Man who walks with God. John Green and Testimony Homes have been our covering here, so that we could foster the Children we have until our licensing is completed! Thank you John, may God continue to Bless you mightily!!

I am confused by the bathrooms. They look like tiled hallways. Could you give me any idea of how they come together?
Austin White