2014 so far continued !


March and April 2014 were very busy and full of God's Good works

Our 17 year old daughter Troy is always making indigenous friends. 

Sarah Ellen had her 6th Birthday on March 3rd, each year celebration is so incredible to us because it gives us another chance to appreciation what God has done in each of our children's lives.

We celebrated Boaz's 4th Birthday in March also!  Praise God for Boaz and all his energy!

Also in March Mom Phyllis was informed she would have to go for a tumor removal from her left eye.  All the Doctors and Surgeons were sure the tumor that had been beside Mom Phyllis' eye for several years had manifested into something serious, they suspected the big " C " and because it was so close to her eye they were predicting some pretty scary after effects of it being removed but God is bigger than any scary news so everyone prayed!  Even though Mom Phyllis now has a scar she also has a great testimony of God's greatness and His wonderful answers to our prayers!  This is her new report even from the Drs. " no cancer, no eye lid deformation and difficulty, no tear duct misfunction and additional surgery, thank you Jesus, you are our Hero!

At the beginning of April Troy and Dannon were part of a wonderful production with their friends from the Co op they attend on Tuesdays.  Everyone involved did an amazing job! There is so much talent in this group of Godly young people and their instructors.  Thank you everyone!


Also in April we were visited by some great friends from the US.  Barry, Rochelle and Madi Holben.  We had so much fun and God filled us all with His amazing joy!

Rochelle doing a beauty center time with the girls here at Tumaini.

We also went for a trip to one of our favorite places close to Eldoret, Kerio View!  The whole area looks down on the famous Rift Valley!

The Elephant!

WE ate at the lodge, great European food!!

 During the Holben's stay we had a visit from the ISAC group.  This group hosts international students from all over the world at Moi University.  We have been a host family for several students from China, Brazil, Slovakia, Germany, and made friends with many more.  This is a fantastic program ran by these amazing Kenyan students.  It is such a honor and pleasure to have them come and visit us. What a great and fun day we all had!

The Dad's discussing our play ground!

And then the Holben's decided to try it out for themselves, seems to work just fine!

The Group!

As I said before it was a busy time and we are not done yet!  We had even more visitors and amazing times, to be continued .........................


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