2014 so far more and more....

Just as I promised, more of April 2014
In April our beautiful Ruth turned 5 years old.  At the party we learned how you celebrate a birthday salute in Germany, you lift the Birthday girl up in her chair, how ever many years she is!  Ruth liked this!

These are our friends from Germany, Anna-Leina and Mattius from Germany.  They are both students in Germany.  You might remember seeing Anna in our pictures late 2012, she came and helped us here at Tumaini for several months.  It was so wonderful to see them and have their help during this busy time. When they left Tumain they went with a group to a refugee camp to share Jesus over Easter week.  They are a great Godly couple. 

They planned and led all in a great day of coloring eggs and going on a egg hunt!  This is something we had never done at Tumaini, everyone had such a great time.

Everyone got in on the fun!

Dannon having a hard time finding her special surprise!

Reuben had no trouble finding his!
 Here are our triplets, not really but they are all the same age!

During this same time here at Tumaini, our friends Dave and Linda had guest from the UK.  The Laseter family came to Kenya to visit the Munsies but cam to Tumaini and blessed us with another God given friendship.  We had such a great time with all of them.  Thank you again James, Rachel, Megan and Rosie! 
James enjoying a photo shot with Thomas.
Church was amazing, we had four different nations to teach us different ways to worship!  We were all so blessed, God's presence was so close!  Praise God, He is good!

Times we will treasure forever, Holben's ( America )  Munsies ( UK )  Laseters ( UK )  Anna-Leina & Mattius ( Germany ) Tumaini Leisters & Josh, Rachel and Kids (Kenya ) 

Then we had our Seder Dinner to Celebrate the Lord's Passover.  Each year we have Celebrated we have had the great pleasure of adding more of the children to learn about the heritage we have in our Father God.

The it was Josh Leister's Birthday and he decided to share ice cream Sundas with all of us, yum! 

Thanks Josh!

On Easter Sunday we had a Celebration Dinner too!  Rachel made the best meatballs and Mom Phyllis made fried kuku ( chicken ) it was great!

Then came the hardest time of all, saying good bye is hard but we love to pray God's Great Blessings over our friends. 2014 has been proclaimed as the year of the open door or gate and here at Tumaini we have felt God open our gate to so much of His great Power and Blessing. We are so grateful to be able to share all with everyone He is bringing.   We continue to Praise His Holy Name! 

Until next time love you everyone!


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