Sponsorships still needed.

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, " Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

We sing a Praise song that has this quote in it and the children love it "  Let, Let, Let the children come....."  They get louder and louder in their enthusiasm, as they sing the call I believe they hear in their hearts. Their place is at the feet of Jesus, before His throne receiving all that He has already provided for them in His kingdom!  This is why our home exists, so they will know and come!!

This is our Brenda!

Brenda is just about to turn 4 years on the 28th of August!  She is a Lioness and has been this since the 1st day we brought her home with us, she was 8 weeds old.  She only weighed 2 kg and had suffered abandonment in a dry latrine and before being rescued the rats had began to eat on her, leaving her with a open wound that took most of her small forearm.  The arm was drawn up in a stiff position with the hand in a claw, unusable when we first saw her.  The prognosis was not good.  The  Dr.'s recommendation was to amputate but our pleas intervened and they sewed up the wound.  We all prayed for the best and that is exactly what God has given us!  Even though you can still see the physical evidence by the scare that still takes up most of the inside of her forearm she has no physical limitations with movement in arm or hand!  God is so good!  Brenda is a happy silly girl who dominates any situation with her joy and personality.  She is our  "  Greeter " she is always ready to greet all visitors who come!  She greets each day with a smile and a laugh!  Praise God for the miracle of our Brenda!


This is our Joel!

Joel is two years old, his birthday is November 4th. Joel came to be part of our family in July 2010.  Joel was abandoned at the hospital, where his mother had brought him for treatment of an ear infection.  Joel was 1st thought to be deaf, he did not respond to any outside noise or interaction.  We soon discovered that abuse and neglect had made Joel withdraw so that he acted as if he could not hear or speak.  After Joel had been in our home for several weeks we began to see him interacting with the other children. It was not long after his 1st birthday that he began to walk.  We would try to get him to speak to us but he would put his head down and stubbornly refuse but the children would tell us he spoke.  Finally after several months, we would hear him speak quietly and then he began to answer questions that we asked him.  Joel is not quite 3 but he speaks very well, usually quiet but sometimes he will let himself be heard in a louder voice.  Praise Jesus, Joel has a voice and sings the Praises of his God very well!

This is our Debby!

Debby just turned 4 on August 4th.  Debby was born with sever scoliosis.  She was brought into the hospital at 9 months old and abandoned because of the fear her mother had over her appearance.  As Debby grew her body became more and more bent and twisted, when we 1st met her in June of 2010 Debby did not stand or walk, she crawled in a crab manner with one leg stretched out to support her twisted body.  We took Debby home in July 2010 and began to pray, many prayed.  Debby learned to walk about 6 months after she came home because of the help of therapy.  But more was needed, "she would not live a long life as her body continued to bend and curve" was what we were told.  In January of 2012 Debby went through surgery at a children's hospital here in Kenya, after it was discovered that she had a bone spur and it was the cause of most of her problems.  After the bone spur was removed Debby has grown 3 to 4 straight inches.  Her back still has the earlier curve to it but no pain like before and it does not seem to be curving any longer.  Debby's surgery was made possible by peoples donations through a organization in the US.  We are so thankful for people who give to see God's healing hands move through willing Dr.'s.  Praise God for our Debby!

This is our Thomas!

Thomas is now 1 year, his birthday is May 16th.  Thomas came to us at 3 months old weighing 1kg ( 2.2lbs )  he was the smallest baby I had ever held outside a incubator!  We took him straight to the Dr. after receiving him from the court.  The Dr., look at me and shook his head!  Our only question was " Ok, so how do we keep him alive"  the Dr. recommended that we feed Thomas small bits ( 1oz ) every hr., so we did, out of an eye dropper!  It took weeks but he began to gain weight!  When he was 6th months old and still very small he caught the chicken pox, with all the other children!  We thought we might loose him but God is so good!  This is our Thomas now!!  Praise God for His awesome mercies and miraculous love!  Praise God for our Thomas! 

Thank you again for all of you that have shown interest in the children here at Tumaini Children's Home!  You are a blessing and an answer to our prayers.  Please continue to share about the need to sponsor and donate here.  We are in awe at how God has touched many peoples heart to help do what His heart is crying out for, to have the ffatherless know Him as Father! Please continue to visit www.tchkenya.com and remember you can contact us right from this site. Plese do we would love to hear from you! Also, all the information to Sponsor and donate are right there on the site with the links. 

With the love of God and our prayers to see His mighty Blessings be poured out to all! 

 Horace & Phyllis Leister, Administrators and Parents, Tumaini Children's Home


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